
Liberal View Of Crime Essay

Decent Essays

Different theories exist about why people commit crime, as well as, types of political views such as conservative and liberal; each have different opinions on the causes and ways to control crime. I would fall more into the liberal view, because I agree with most theories that involve this type of view. The reasons I think that people commit crime are as follows; type of environment, who they saw as a role model or grew up with, and their economic status. On the other hand, liberal thinkers have their certain believes on why people commit crime and ways we can control crime. There are unending theories on why people commit crimes. One of many factors is the type of environment the individual lives in; and this is a lead to crime because if you grow up in a low-income neighborhood the person would feel tempted to get anything they want the easiest way. Peer influence plays a huge role because if a person grows up with someone who thinks and acts like a criminal then he or she will learn that behavior. For example, a person who grows up with family or friends who were always breaking the law and acting inappropriately then the child is …show more content…

As stated by Worrall (2015) the liberal view is, “liberals discount the notion of rational decision-making in point to a number of other explanations for crime. This includes peer influence, dysfunctional families, blocked opportunities, stigmatization, and a host of other causes of crime” (p.34). By reading further more to this I found out that positivist theory has a lot to do with the liberal view. According to Tania (2016), “the mind of the person has been affected in a particular way and therefore does not have the capability to make a conscious, rational choice to obey the law”. As a liberal thinker there are ways on how to help individuals that have these characteristics to prevent them from committing more criminal acts; for example, rehabilitation or

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