
Liberal Iraq War

Decent Essays

On September 11, 2001, the world witnessed deadly, psychologically disruptive, and economically devastating terrorist attacks organized and funded by Al Qaeda against New York and Washington, D.C. This event eventually led to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
There are many ways in which the Iraq war and its aftermath support elements of liberalism. Liberals posit that aggression and war cannot be avoided but can be moderated, if not eliminated, through a collective action. They add that institutions are effective in managing self-interests thereby making perpetual peace and economic development a possibility. Pertinent elements of liberal IR theory to be discussed are the following: value of multilateral approach, aspect of humanitarian intervention, spread of democracy, and the notion of benign liberal empire.
International partnership and multilateral approach to both creating chaos and ensuring security were evident in this historical case. The 9/11 attack, directed by Osama bin Laden, set into …show more content…

The example of a free Iraq would accordingly inspire other peoples of the region to the belief that democracy was not just a Western invention but a universal human right. This is a profoundly liberal argument adopted by the Bush administration. In the words of Ikenberry (2004), if the values of democracy and the rule of law are established in troubled countries around the world, security threats would cease bringing in lasting peace liberals view highly of.
In conclusion, the relationship between the liberalist theory and the global war on terrorism along with the subsequent Iraq invasion illustrated the importance liberals place on universal interdependence along with the promotion of perpetual peace as a solution to global security and, ideally as it would follow, economic

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