
Liberal Arts Degree Advantages

Decent Essays

Being slightly educated in liberal arts is essential to being a well-rounded person. Knowing liberal arts widens a person’s horizon, creating a different mindset. Although knowing some liberal arts is a good quality to take out into the real world, it is not necessary to get a degree in liberal arts if the person does not plan to pursue a job in the liberal arts field. There are more cons than pros in getting a full liberal arts education. Although a liberal arts degree makes for a well-rounded person out in the real world, it takes up a lot of time and money, and will narrow a person’s chances of getting a job. Getting a liberal arts degree is going above and beyond normal expectations in today’s society. It is challenging the mind, forcing a person to think in a different way than most people think. It allows the person to see the world in a completely different perspective than the norm, seeing everything with a more open mind. However, a liberal arts degree can only go so far. Knowing liberal arts broadens a person’s knowledge with real world issues, but it will not do much in the occupational field. Therefore, it is a wiser choice to take a few core classes in liberal arts, instead of getting a full degree in a liberal arts subject. If someone is …show more content…

It narrows job opportunities in a tremendous way, unless the person is seeking to be a professor. Sanford J. Ungar stated in The New Liberal Arts, “Yes, recent graduates have had difficulty in the job market, but the recession has not differentiated among major fields of study in its impact” (Ungar, 192). Ungar clearly stated that it is hard to find a job with a liberal arts degree, even though he ends up contradicting that statement later on. A degree in liberal arts ends a lot of people searching desperately for a job, and with little income. While a more modern degree has a lot more career

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