
Levitation Research Paper

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p>Many throughout the world who have been known to levitate have clearly possessed vehement states of mind. Levitation is the rising of the human body by metaphysical means and is believed to be the result of a supernatural force from psychic power or spiritual energy. In the early days, religious zealots such as the Christian Church assumed levitation was a clear indicator of a demonic possession. Although, it is a common factor among the possessed, many holy people have been known to levitate as well. The most prominent practitioner of levitation was most likely St Joseph of Cupertino, who was born in 1603 in Italy. It is documented that he levitated hundreds of times in his life and for extended periods of up to one hour or more. He is said to have achieved this by …show more content…

She described the earth as being a positive charged electric body, while all other forms of matter, such as human bodies, were negatively charged. She explained gravity was the attraction to the earth, similar to a magnet, opposites attract. Consequently, if an individual were to align their electricity to a positive charge like that of the earth, they would repel from the earth in the same way two positive charged magnets repel from one another. This can be acquired by outstanding human will, through ecstasy, or other means. (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) In the modern ages, especially within Western society, the theory of levitation has taken a back seat ride in the mindset of the masses. They all appear to be doubtful skeptics who have lost track of this rare phenomenon. However, the Eastern religions and philosophies are still up to par with this hidden miracle, just as long as one is willing to devote their life into achieving it. (-- removed HTML

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