
Letters From Houston Swot Analysis

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Dear June, I am writing to you from sunny southern France where I am visiting Aix en Provence, the birthplace of Paul Cézanne, and the location he painted his Post-Impressionist masterpiece “Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses” – an oil painting on canvas completed in the early 1890’s. I used a substantial portion of my vacation fund this year to visit this beautiful city where “Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses” was created; pleasant weather and a rich history are an added bonus! My round trip flight from Houston to Marseille was around $1200. I left at 3:05pm on September 3rd and arrived in Marseille at 11:30am one day later. A quick 40 minute bus ride took me from the airport in Marseille to Aix, where I am staying at the Hotel Cézanne. The hotel is an additional $120 a night, however I consider this a small price to pay for such a delightful trip. It may interest you to learn that Claude Monet once owned “Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses” … he was an admirer of Cézanne as well! Aix en Provence (sometimes called ‘Aix’) is an …show more content…

Paul Cézanne was born in Aix en Provence in 1839. His father was a wealthy banker, which allowed Cézanne the financial freedom to pursue a career in art. He first began exploring art in 1857, studying drawing at the Free Municipal School of Art in Aix. In 1861 Cézanne left Aix for Paris where he studied under Impressionist Camille Pissarro, with whom he maintained a “master/pupil” relationship for several years. Cézanne’s paintings, however, were initially met with skepticism and disapproval. This lack of recognition eventually led Cézanne to return home to Aix where he painted in obscurity. I believe this sense of solitude is present in many of his still lifes, including “Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses”. Cézanne died of pneumonia on October 22, 1906, having spent 2 hours working in the rain on the previous

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