
Lesser Off: Personal Narrative

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The One’s Lesser Off: Personal Narrative My family and I strode along the dirt roads of a miniscule island known as Roatan, just off of the Caribbean Sea, with the gravel and filth crunching beneath of our feet. We could feel the scorching hot sun stretching down on our shoulders and faces, mid afternoon on one of the most fascinating islands you’d ever encounter. You could hear the melody of young children, running barefoot all around you, the melody of laughter filling the air. The soft music floating from home to home where the clothes hung up on the line to dry in the warm air. Stray dogs, skeletons - afraid to break their frail bodies as they took each new step. As we stroll forth on the sidewalk and roads of this little town, filled …show more content…

With my family beside me, us holding our iPhones and walking in our new Nike shoes – I couldn’t help but to feel the need to drop it all. My heart is a brick, it seemed to sink deep to my toes as I looked at these people, their families. I couldn’t help but feel as if I was shriveling up inside. Children with grubby clothes, mothers with up to 3 children on their hips. The run down homes and trash scattered about.
Taking it all in, feeling nothing but heartbreak. Yet, as I looked about, nevertheless, taking in the expanse surrounding me, I surveyed over the fact that these people seemed to have nothing over everything, I realized that they did not recognize themselves the way I saw them. They did not notice the homes that seemed to spill about as the seconds ticked by, they did not dwell on the rips and stains. They failed to recognize the skin and bones that were so much more prominent to us all.
As we made the long, blistering journey back to our boat we couldn’t help but distract ourselves of something in the shallow ends of the water. Our minds wondered what it could be as we came to a halt. Suddenly, a little head popped up. One by one an arm and leg seemed to appear. Until, at last, a wee figure rose from the crystal clear water. Droplets of the remaining ocean on his dark, shiny skin dripped into the

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