
Lehman BrothersLegacy : The Rise And Fall Of Greed?

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This paper describes about a firm called Lehman Brothers and how their high-risk culture and questionable deals contributed to their declaration of Chapter 11 bankruptcy on September 15, 2008. Some of Lehman’s main reasons to declare bankruptcy was their highly risky business model that required it to raise billions of dollars per day to keep their operations going (Wiggins, Piontek, Metrick, 2014, p.1). Another reason was their leadership who encouraged the risky culture of the firm and operating an accounting device name Repo 105 to keep assets off its balance sheet so it may appear that the firm was not borrowing that much money (Robbins, 2016, pg. 178). The firm was able to do this because around the 2000s, there was a deregulation of the financial industry that made it easier to do more financial projects such as proprietary trading, subprime mortgages, and real estate market (Wiggins, et al, 2014, p.4-5). Which made the firm very successful until the financial crises happened and Lehman was not able to secure any more funding to keep its operations running causing it to declare bankruptcy. The rest of this paper will go into detail about Lehman Brothers tactics on how it got rich quick from the financial market and how their actions contributed to their downfall. Lehman Brothers’ Legacy: The Rise and Fall of Greed
There are many articles online about Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and how their actions and the housing bubble led to their demise. Though each

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