
Legalizing Medical Marijuana

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The use of medical marijuana has both “good” and “bad” side; however legalizing medical marijuana could aid in the relief of pain, people who are prescribed medical marijuana would not be prosecuted and the government might be able to control its sale and distribution. People think that marijuana is “bad”. Well marijuana is good. It aids in pain and helps people with cancer. Most people don’t want to legalize marijuana for religious reasons. Which is bogus. I am not a religious person, and I don’t see people's insights on the marijuana campaign. And me knowing some very religious people say that marijuana is bad cause it messes with your head. But those are only some types of marijuana the medical marijuana is not a hallucinogen. It is mostly …show more content…

It will save millions of dollars on the prohibition on marijuana. So they should remove the prohibition and they would save millions of dollars in which they could donate to other things. Medical marijuana could help people with cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, Crohn's disease, Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, Alzheimer's disease. It helps all these diseases in all different ways, mostly with pain relief. We all know there are legal drugs they can use, but they can have some very bad side effects. During the cancer treatments the patients get weak and will have really bad headaches. And the pills won’t help! They will make them nauseous, and they are more addicting than medical marijuana. Medical marijuana is to help, it will help millions of …show more content…

That need the marijuana will be prosecuted and will go to jail. Even though they need it. Marijuana can help people. There is many types of marijuana that are illegal and should stay illegal, but the medical should be legal, it has nothing wrong with it. It is a natural healer of the earth. It may seem that I am talking hippie, but it is natural and from the earth. It helps a lot of people. ALOT. they need the healing that the medical marijuana gives people. The government might even be able to control its sales and distributions. With it being legal the stores that sell the medical marijuana would have strict

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