The use of medical marijuana has both “good” and “bad” side; however legalizing medical marijuana could aid in the relief of pain, people who are prescribed medical marijuana would not be prosecuted and the government might be able to control its sale and distribution. People think that marijuana is “bad”. Well marijuana is good. It aids in pain and helps people with cancer. Most people don’t want to legalize marijuana for religious reasons. Which is bogus. I am not a religious person, and I don’t see people's insights on the marijuana campaign. And me knowing some very religious people say that marijuana is bad cause it messes with your head. But those are only some types of marijuana the medical marijuana is not a hallucinogen. It is mostly …show more content…
It will save millions of dollars on the prohibition on marijuana. So they should remove the prohibition and they would save millions of dollars in which they could donate to other things. Medical marijuana could help people with cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, Crohn's disease, Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, Alzheimer's disease. It helps all these diseases in all different ways, mostly with pain relief. We all know there are legal drugs they can use, but they can have some very bad side effects. During the cancer treatments the patients get weak and will have really bad headaches. And the pills won’t help! They will make them nauseous, and they are more addicting than medical marijuana. Medical marijuana is to help, it will help millions of …show more content…
That need the marijuana will be prosecuted and will go to jail. Even though they need it. Marijuana can help people. There is many types of marijuana that are illegal and should stay illegal, but the medical should be legal, it has nothing wrong with it. It is a natural healer of the earth. It may seem that I am talking hippie, but it is natural and from the earth. It helps a lot of people. ALOT. they need the healing that the medical marijuana gives people. The government might even be able to control its sales and distributions. With it being legal the stores that sell the medical marijuana would have strict
There will always be pros and cons in every situation, but marijuana actually has many pros. Marijuana may affect the development of the brain and behaviors if used at a young age, but it also helps with many disorders. “The panel said cannabinoids stimulate the appetite, combat nausea, and might also control pain. The drug also acts as a sedative and reduces anxiety, which may itself have a therapeutic effect, they added” (Ault, 1). Marijuana could be very helpful for those who are ill. It is a step at discovering new ways to cure diseases and help with the symptoms of different disorders. If we already know that marijuana could help with pain, sickness, and mental health, then why not legalize it? Many physicians have prescribed medical marijuana to those who are undergoing pain due to cancer. Most of the feedback the physicians get are
Medical marijuana has been one of the most controversial topics in politics for years regardings its legalization and any possible benefits. Marijuana is commonly referred to as the “gateway drug” and has been thought to be what causes the downfall of our youth in today’s society. This has caused Marijuana to earn a bad reputation due to the immense surrounding propaganda and bias opinions. Cannabis is the scientific name of the plant which is absolutely natural and free of chemicals, but the psychoactive components in the plant has been proven to be of medical use. If medical marijuana is prescribed correctly it has the potential to help thousands of patients due to the variety of benefits it can medically provide. Medical Marijuana should
What is Marijuana? Well, it is a plant that has many medical benefits and dates back almost 12,000 years ago. The plant has many components within itself like THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, it is the chemical compound in cannabis responsible for a euphoric high. Another component is CBD, Cannabidiol, which is a non-psychoactive and provides a wide range of medical benefits. There are eight states that allow for the plant to be used recreationally and twenty-nine states that allow the use of the plant for medical purposes only.
Legalizing marijuana has always been an interesting topic for many people to dispute about. Some people say it is good, while others say it is bad. No matter what topic you speak about, it has its pros and cons. For example, marijuana can be used in great ways if legalized. Through money given from dispensaries to the crime rate lowered because of the ability to acquire marijuana in legal ways. Some bad examples are that it can be a gateway drug and can cause one to want a “better high” to people thinking it affects people's lives. Legalizing marijuana (medical and recreational) will help the United States with money, crime, and other numerous ways.
Marijuana can boost sales and taxes, promoting millions of dollars in additional tax revenue. Marijuana also creates a new industry. Job growth will spike, marijuana needs effective care being grown and packaged. By keeping marijuana illegal the government spends unnecessary money on enforcement; unregulated and untaxed. In this case law enforcement can focus on more important offenses; providing prisons with more space for those who deserve to be there. Our world could easily become safer with an advantage such as this. By limiting marijuana use, the government is also intruding on our personal freedom. It is an individuals job to decided wether or not one wants to consume marijuana. Ones freedoms should be taken into consideration, without compromising. Legalizing medical marijuana can bring positive
In the end marijuana has many uses. It is helpful for cancer the most, along with other diseases and or conditions. The amount of current marijuana users we have now will not decrease or increase with the legalization of medical marijuana. Many believe that marijuana is harmful to the lungs brain and immune system, and that it is addictive. Many studies have proven many negative claims about marijuana wrong. This is an age of change, and change is
Just that alone can make for some negative propaganda. “They say that marijuana is addictive, leads to harder drug use, interferes with fertility, impairs driving ability, and injures the lungs, immune system and brain” (ProCon, 2015). This issue will most likely always be controversial because of personal opinion, media broadcast, and whether or not it is actually safe to use. However, narcotics were supposed to be used to treat the terminally ill for pain management and those are being handed out like candy. They’ve been FDA approved, and haven’t faced the issues that arise when asking if medical marijuana should be legalized. A more natural approach should be considered just like a narcotic would. Looking more on the negative side of the issue would be medical marijuana being addictive. Well, let’s compare that to narcotics. Narcotics are just as addictive, if not more. Using narcotics for pain management, for example, would cause a person to become dependent on pain pills for their own personal pain management. Who’s to say that this said person wouldn’t develop a dependency on the pill and begin to abuse them? On the other hand, you have medical marijuana that faces the same backlash, but is a more natural approach to treating pain. They say that marijuana is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, but methadone, dilaudid, Demerol, oxycotin, etc. are classified as a Schedule II and the only difference is the
Legal cannabis can benefit the U.S in many ways but most importantly is the financial support this plant could provide.According to in 2016 If all states legalized marijuana it would generate an estimated $28 billion dollars in tax revenue. That’s $28 billion that would be reinvested in programs such as medicare,medicaid and social security. Not only will cannabis drive down pharmaceutical premiums for many cancer patients it will also generate money to be put into healthcare and retirement plans creating a stronger more financially sound America. In addition to this, Legalizing Marijuana in all states would create jobs all over the country from legal Growers to front desk “Budtenders”.America can legalize a plant that would create economic growth and jobs but they choose to keep overcharging people for outdated pharmaceutical prescriptions and letting those big companies affect elections and influence politicians.Forbes writer Debra Borchardt states that The legal cannabis market was worth an estimated $7.2 billion in 2016 and is projected to grow at a compound annual rate of
Medical marijuana has been an ongoing fight between the federal government, physicians and patients. Contrary to many beliefs, marijuana, whether it is used for medical reasons or recreational is non-lethal. It has been proven to be useful in many medical conditions. There has been no evidence of an individual overdosing on marijuana, but there have been a tremendous number of deaths related to prescription drugs, and over the counter medications. The legalizing of medical marijuana will change the lives of so many
The quote, "States that have adopted medical marijuana laws have experienced few, if any, significant problems. Several recent studies have found that medical marijuana laws do not result in an increase—and might actually result in a decrease—in rates of marijuana use as well as traffic fatalities, prescription overdose deaths, suicides, and crime rates," from the article Marijuana Should Be Used for Medical Use proves that the legalization of marijuana has benefitted communities and helped crime and danger rates decrease. People could argue that the legalization of medical marijuana could severely damage communities increasing crime rates and drug trade. It is a known fact that the illegal trade of marijuana, in many cases, results in crime and many broken laws particularly for the possession of an illegal substance. The quote “A 1990 scientific survey of oncologists (cancer specialists) found that 54% of those with an opinion favored the controlled medical availability of marijuana and 44% had already suggested at least once that a patient obtain marijuana illegally” from the article Medical Marijuana Should Be Legalized suggest that the legalization of marijuana is strongly supported by communities themselves, and that ill patients shouldn’t have to risk getting in trouble with authority for the possession of marijuana for their health issues. The statistics show that the
Should we or should we not legalize Medical Marijuana? Yes, I think we should make medical marijuana legal in all 50 states. Why is it so difficult for our government and our american society to vote for marijuana to be used for medical purposes. There are many reasons why medical marijuana should be legal, why is medical marijuana helpful, and cannabis are my three reasons why Medical marijuana should be legalized.
According to federal law, there is no such thing as medical marijuana. Marijuana is a dangerous drug that the United States Congress has classified as a Schedule One substance. A Schedule One substance doesn't have any accepted medical use in the United States and a high potential for abuse." With the legalization of marijuana it would reduce the street justice. Instead of having to settle problems with black market sales of marijuana you can't call the police so most problems have to be handled by the individual which could be very
Medical marijuana is very a big and controversial issue in today's society, currently the community is divided on the issue. Questions are always being thrown around such as "how does marijuana affect the body?" and "what good does’ marijuana do for a person?" Researchers have tried to answer these questions with multiple studies and they have shown some of the positives of medical marijuana. If something is able to help someone who is in dire need why not use it on those people to find a better solution for them. I myself am on the supportive side of the issue of medical marijuana. I don't think it should be legal to just anyone though I believe there should be a legal age law, a driving while under the influence, and a public intoxication law in effect for medical marijuana to be legal.
In its brief overview of palliative care (Improving palliative care, August 2003), the Institute of Medicine emphasized purpose: “to prevent or lessen the severity of pain and other symptoms and to achieve the best quality of life for people dying or suffering from a long-term disease” (p. 2). Immediate pain reduction, if not outright elimination, facilitates satisfaction of other, more emotional or introspective end-of-life matters (e.g., working through spiritual issues, resolving family differences).
Medical marijuana has become an extreme controversy for many different countries around the world. According to the National Conference of State Legislation, twenty nine states in the United States have legalized medical marijuana, (State) along with select countries around the world. Different regions of the world have varying views and laws for medical cannabis. Medical marijuana can drastically improve the quality of ill people’s lives, and ease pain that otherwise make daily life miserable. According to two well known professors at University of Salerno, cannabis has been used to relieve chronic pain, muscular cramps and neurological or spinal pains (Bifulco and Pisanti). Although medical marijuana’s purpose would be to alleviate pain, some are concerned that it could be a gateway drug, which means it could potentially lead people to become addicted to stronger substances.