
Legalizing Gay Marriage

Satisfactory Essays

Should Gay Marriage be Legalized in All States? "Marriage isn't between a man and woman, but between love and love." Gay marriage should be legalized in every state because homosexuals deserve the same equal rights as heterosexuals. Nobody should be told who they can and cannot marry. Everyone deserves a chance to be happy and not legalizing marriage is taking that opportunity away from homosexuals who want to get married. Like freedom of religion, there should be freedom of marriage. Having the ability to practice whichever region best suits you without someone judging you or without the government saying you have to practice a certain religion is freedom. Not being able to marry someone you love because the government thinks it violates natural law is discrimination. If we aren't able to discriminate against race what makes it acceptable to discriminate against homosexuals? Equality is a right that is protected by the United States Constitution and it needs to be enforced with gay marriage. Homosexuals and heterosexuals are both people. They both eat, sleep, walk, …show more content…

Also, in the bible Matthew 7:1 it says "Do not judge or you shall be judged." In the bible it also says to obey your mother and father, and not to lie, cheat, or steal but half of the people who are against gay marriage have sinned once in their life. Another argument for the people against gay marriage is it denies a child either a mother or father. It's understandable that if gay marriage is allowed a child would absent of a mom or dad but who says you need a mother and father? There may be things that a mother can teach that a father cannot or the opposite but people do it every day. Single mothers, single fathers, and foster children. Some of the most successful people where raised by a single parent, or were foster children. Who says that it will ruin a child's life if they don't have a mother and

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