
Legalization Medical Marijuana

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Thomas Gordon
The Legalization of Medical Marijuana
Health Care Research Utilization
Marie Vasquez
HCS 465
March 19, 2016

The Legalization of Medical Marijuana
In 2016, medical marijuana/cannabis has become one of the biggest problems and potentially medically revolutionary studies in the U.S. today. It’s being discussed by thousands of researches and scientist and it is also very controversial topics. Several studies has shown that it has a lot of medical benefits and should be fully legalize marijuana. Although, the many possibilities are endless, study has also shown that there is a very high potential for abuse especially amongst adolescences. Furthermore, this is the reason only some of our 51 states have legalized it …show more content…

Hundreds to thousands of pharmaceutical drugs are being used for treatment and they are actually very addictive but, they’re legal. Carcinogens haven’t presented any evidence they have negative effects but, tobacco contains extremely harmful toxins yet, are legal. NORML has shown hundreds of arguments against the legalization. DEA has argued over and over that medical marijuana has zero medicinal value. Yet, several certified doctors have shown that marijuana helps pain relief, nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and movement disorders. MD Cassoobhoy is the reviewed MD for Anne Harding that observed several evidence that marijuana helps HIV/AIDs patients …show more content…

Patients in several studies have complained that pharmaceutical drugs that are prescribed doesn’t help them through this disease. Studies have proven that medical marijuana has proven evidence that for some patients to have better results than from prescribed drugs. Although opposition against medical marijuana studies have proven that medical marijuana has proven evidence that for some patients to have better results than from prescribed drugs. Although opposition against medical marijuana have stopped millions of people with aids/hiv away from this evidence. The mal-nourishment of certain chronic diseases and illnesses need medical marijuana because it lowers the pain and also provides an appetite.
NORML has several amounts of research that 73% of American’s are supporting the fact that marijuana should be legal and should be able to be prescribed. Everyone doesn’t believe that legalizing medical marijuana is only accessible for ill patients and not intended for recreation use. A lot of people believe that everyone just wants to legalize marijuana to smoke it but, several researchers throughout my assignment are declaring it to be extremely valuable

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