Legalization of marijuana, also known as cannabis, weed, etc. has been a trending controversial topic in many sectors of Canada. Although, there have been several studies, organizations and celebrities endorsing the legalization; marijuana should not be legalized due to its severe health effects. Cannabis has both short and long term effects on an individual’s health. These effects range from brain function and development, mental illness, heart rate to lung damage. With almost 44 percent of Canadians who have tried marijuana, the health of Canadians is at stake. Marijuana has a significant effect on the general physical health. One of the short term and obvious effects is the reddening of the eyes. This occurs due to expanding blood vessels …show more content…
Marijuana in the late 1960s’ had only one percent of tetrahydrocannabinol, compared to present day where Health Canada has discovered there is at least 10 percent of tetrahydrocannabinol and 30 percent in some cases. The tetrahydrocannabinol is a strong chemical and works immediately after one has inhaled it. Tetrahydrocannabinol mimics the neurotransmitter anandamide, which fills in the synapse between neurons and this disrupts the brain’s regular functions. In a normally functioning brain, anandamide activates the cannabinoid receptors but when smoking marijuana tetrahydrocannabinol activates these receptors which are in the hippocampus, cerebellum and basal ganglia. This affects the short-term memory, coordination, and learning and problem-solving skills for an individual. Brain development is also affected by the use of cannabis. Dr. Harold Kalant conducted a study in the 1980s’ with rats and cannabis use. He separated the rats into two groups; rats exposed to cannabis at adolescents and rats exposed to cannabis in adulthood. Kalant observed the rats exposed to cannabis as adolescents, had difficulty with memory and learning even after nine years of no exposure. In comparison, the rats who were adults when exposed to cannabis didn’t have long term effects. It is evident that brain development was disrupted by the use of cannabis in the growing years. Also, Dr. Andra Smith saw in her functional magnetic resonance imaging of brain activity of regular cannabis smokers and non-smokers, that the smokers had a more brain activity. She stated it was due to the brain having to work hard to “respond accurately”. It is obvious that brain function and development is harshly impacted by the use of
60 of over 400 identified chemicals found in cannabis are called cannabinoids, including THC; the cause of the high. The cannabinoids attack natural cannabinoid receptors in the brain, causing lack of coordination, hyperawareness of sound, visual and audio distortions, lack of sense of time, and more. The overload of sensory regions disrupts the development of neural pathways. Teen brains are still trying to make connections and wire itself together, and this interference of normal brain function damages the hippocampus, amygdala, cerebellum, and other major parts of the brain. The list of possible effects of substance abuse is long and still growing; damage to behavioral function, attention deficit, depression, emotional damage, memory problems, lack of motor skills, poor visual/ spacial awareness, reduction of goal-directed behavior, hyperactive disorder, lower IQ, and
Marijuana has its strongest long-term impact on young users whose brains are developing and maturing. Researchers see a decline in verbal ability as well as general knowledge in children between ages 9-12. (National Institute on Drug Abuse August
These days the legalization of marijuana has been heatedly debated on this planet, especially in Canada. Production of Marijuana for Own Medical Purposes and Production by a Designated Person has been completely allowed by Canadian federal government since 2016, but some people have not been satisfied by that. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced the bill to legalize cannabis for recreational use, which the Trudeau ambitiously promised during his campaign, and Trudeau’s government announced that hopefully the detailed regulations and taxations of normalization of cannabis will be released before 2018. Even though, in an August poll, more than 66% of almost 1,800 respondents across the country supported either complete legalization or decriminalization
There are many debate over the legalization of marijuana in Canada for several decades and is still a very controversial issue. In Canada, many considers marijuana harmful because marijuana is an illegal drug according to the law. Some people are intending to justify the possession and use of marijuana by claiming the medical purposes and exaggerating how marihuana is less harmful than cigarette and alcohol. However, I strongly disagree to decriminalize the possession of marijuana because of health issues due to the use of marijuana, and no solid evidence of its medical value. Legalization of marijuana have a potential threat of causing additional addiction. Moreover, increase in the number of weed smokers cause more people to go on welfare,
Many regions of the brain contain cannabinoid receptors, of which anandamide molecules, concerned with regulating mood, appetite and emotions, naturally bind to. Cannabis contains an active ingredient known as ‘delta-9-tetrahydrocannabonic’ (THC), and when smoked or eaten, the THC imitates the activity of anandamide by binding to cannabinoid receptors on nerve cells, and therefore influences
Many Canadians wanted change in the government and amongst that, they have voted for the Liberal Party. It is important that the Canadian law system changes to adapt to society and fix the patches that it has. As the government tried to introduce more severe penalties and other deterrents to stop Canadian's from using or producing marijuana. But was not very successful.
Cannabis or Marijuana has become a buzz word amongst the people of Canada who are eagerly waiting for legalization of all ingestion methods of the herbal product. However, it is seemingly a long distance process to achieve such hard task as there are many threats and illnesses which queue together when marijuana is not properly taken in. Therefore, Health Canada and the government laid down serious restrictions of the use of marijuana under the surveillance of certified medical marijuana doctors and personnel belonging to Health Canada.
Marijuana legalized for recreational use has been a matter of strong public policy debate for years. Society must understand that their mistakes is in the path of legalization and decriminalization. Through our research we prove that marijuana is not nearly as harmful as other substances which are legal such as alcohol and tobacco. Canada must also realize that marijuana will benefit Canada in all other legal, economic, and environmental aspects. In legalizing cannabis, Canada will be able to keep the product out of the black markets and create revenues from taxation, also creating more jobs for Canadians. It is also beneficial for the environment due to the use of little pesticides, and therefore less machinery and less pollution. Hence the
Additionally, Marijuana has some effects on our brain in both short terms and long terms. Talking about the short terms, it not only alerted the senses it also changes in the mood. It creates difficulty with thinking and problem solving. It impaired the body movement, memory and learning. (National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA). Whereas, the effect in brain development is one of the example of long terms effect of smoking marijuana. When marijuana user begin as teenagers, it will reduce thinking memory , and learning functions and affect how the brain make the connection between the areas necessary for its functions . These effects may last for long time or even be permanent. A study Show that people who started smoking early have low IQ
The debate over Cannabis is surrounded on the discussion whether the herb is valuable or destructive. This has split the citizens of many nations to two because of their varied opinions, where one half supports its use while the other half denies any advantages of it. However, the most unfortunate situation is most researchers study the debilitating effects of marijuana and avoid the usefulness offered by the weed. Fortunately, the standpoint is not the same in all countries and Canada is one such country where the medical benefits of marijuana are utilized legally so that patients and growers alike can benefit from the dried out hemp.
Cannabis, a drug that has been prohibited for many decades now is finally making it’s way to legalization in Canada. This report looks at the effects legalization of cannabis has on the nation from a public health, social and economic perspective. We did this through reviewing evidence from scholarly academic papers and government reports, taking similar ideas putting them together to create themes and based on that create recommendations of legalization. Public health research definitely seems to immediately go against legalization - from a clinical perspective- as there are a vast variety of adverse effects smoking marijuana can do to individuals, especially youth, who do it often. There is also issue of the negative exposure it gives to
Smoking marijuana also has implication for others in society. When one thinks of the negative aspects of smoking cigarettes, the effects are similar with marijuana smoke. Smoke, regardless of tobacco or marijuana, causes lung cancer and affects those who involuntary breathe the smoke second-handed. Therefore, the leagalization of marijuana can lead to increased health issues and medical costs for our country. This drug is also known to have negative effects on the brain, including but not limited to reduced brain function, depression, memory loss, diminished reactions, and poor decision-making and problem solving abilities. As a result, there are escalating concerns over the potential of rising traffic accidents and fatalities resulting from recreational marijuana use. There is also concern that such more traffic accidents and fatalities will occur to the combined use of alcohol and marijuana use.
The human brain has 2 different types of cannabis receptors called type 1 (CB1) and type 2 (CB2) (4). The CB1 receptors are involved with neurobiological departments of the brain including the: hippocampus (memory), amygdala (emotions), cerebral cortex (conditions), limbic forebrain (motivation), and finally the cerebellum (motor condition) (4). A 1997 study concluded that THC causes dopamine release at the same rate as heroin (2). When activated the receptors in these regions release the chemical compound called dopamine affecting the brain in many ways. It is the chemical responsible for users to feel the euphoria or ‘high’ that is associated with marijuana consumption (4). Hand-eye coordination, judgement, reaction times, and tracking ability are all lowered due to marijuana usage (3). Short-term memory is also impaired while under the influence of cannabis (3). Furthermore a decrease in the user’s attention span is apparent (3). In adults who use marijuana, higher rates of psychosis with predisposition to schizophrenia are observed (3). Furthermore, a publication in the British Medical Journal concluded that marijuana use can cause adverse psychological effects including depression, anxiety, and incite violence in users(6). Constant long-term usage of cannabis can cause a dependence or an addiction to the THC in adults (3). MRI scans users also concluded that structural abnormalities in CB1
In this paper, my objective is to determine potential chronic effects of marijuana on memory. I do this by selectively reviewing studies on this topic and attempt to integrate the findings, which range from neurobiological standpoints to more general effects on cognitive behavior.
The smoke of marijuana contains noxious gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, acetaldehyde, acetone, and benzene. The chemicals in the drug imprint on the brain like opiates (a drug containing opium or its derivatives). One study has shown that the blood vessels in the brain of a marijuana smoker experience restricted flow. Restricted blood vessel flow causes the functions of the brain to work improperly. Some common impacts on the mentality are temporary hallucinations and temporary paranoia. Users have also experienced difficulty with thinking and impaired memory. Studies have also shown that the use of marijuana has been linked to depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts among teenagers and young adults. In a world where intelligence is highly valued it is ironic that many people support a drug that affects one's mentality. More people need to comprehend that marijuana is a hallucinogen, which distorts how the mind perceives the world a person lives in.