Legal Compliance Plan for Riordan Introduction The enterprise resource management is a concept that encompasses all the facets of the business and must therefore be made an absolute part of the system. Today all companies are subject to market risks, and also to legal risks. This plan is set out to cover the legal liabilities and risks and the management of legal issues with regard to the enterprise management of Riordan. Primarily the company deals with plastics for example which is having heavy environmental impact and therefore involves compliance regarding its production and use and these change with the countries. In general this plan shall discuss the managing of legal liabilities of the company, its officers and directors and their responsibilities. Second issue that will be addressed relate to laws that have to be complied with and those that deal with property, the law of companies and its governance, and as pointed out the international ramifications on account of the products and nature of business and international laws that can affect the company. Thus violation of laws cannot be allowed and the consequences have to be attended to in case it happens. Thus the plan also deals with such contingencies and who must be allowed the representation and who must be made answerable. In other words who are responsible? This leads to the question of the requirements of the risk management processes. Components of Enterprise Risk Management The components of risk
In today’s business environment it is important for all organizations to develop and maintain a plan to avoid regulatory risks. Management should be able to manage any risks through preventive, detective, and corrective measures. As a manager it is important to prevent extensive loss, environmental and commercial, preserve the companies’ public image and abide by pertinent environmental statues. Ensuring the company follows an extensive plan will help to eliminate any risks, by outlining steps that should be taken to resolve these
Proposed actions a company may take to avoid tort liability and litigation are vital to organizations. Proposed actions a company may take to avoid product liability risk may be a way out of liability issues. Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from domestic and international regulatory matters is the best way to beat business torts. an integral aspect of a business liability practice is to take ongoing proactive measures through direct collaboration to avoid lawsuits before they are filed. Seeking advice from government authorities, specialists and risk-management consultants is a technique buinsess should use. It is in
Riordan Manufacturing is the leading global industry manufacturing company of plastic injection molding. With over 550 employees and their overall annual projected earnings of $46 million dollars, Riordan Manufacturing accredits their success to their focus on sales and marketing to gain additional business and maintain a good relationship with existing clientele. Although the company has been successful thus far, it is always important and essential to continually improve and take the business to the next level in order to stay competitive in today 's world. Who doesn 't want to be the best at what they do, and especially within the industry they represent? In
The safety aspect for risk management will evaluate the potential for human loss of life and or injury. The potential for major incident or accident, such as fire, explosion, or spill, including environmental damage. The necessity for security within the company is a highly need aspect of safety that can lead to risk. The revenues aspect for risk management will evaluate the loss of customer base, recovering of capital loss and recognizing uncoverable capital loss, and loss of opportunity in marketing of the product. The necessity for revenue risk management is key. The costs aspect for risk management will evaluate the costs that were incurred due to preventable problems. Also, costs due to increased warehouse space, vendor changes, and discount changes. A significant risk in cost for this company is the cost of legal defense. The legal aspect for risk management will evaluate regulatory compliance failures and actions that could result
Security: includes the planning and implantation of plan to ensure the safety of all at an event
Create a professional report detailing the information above as an initial draft of the risk
The federal minimum wage rate is $7.25 per hour. Another provision with this law permits an automatic increase in the pay wage when the federal rate increases. The Texas Minimum Wage Law also requires that employers give employees a wage statement with every paycheck. This statement must show how many hours an employee has worked, the overtime, and how much the employee was paid. This law aims to ensure that any employees regardless of their pay range are treated equally. A company can comply with this law by providing software to prepare the pay stubs for each employee and save a copy of each payment for the companies record for future references. Violators are prosecuted criminally and fined up to $10,000. A second conviction may result
1. In the eyes of the federal government, an LLC is not a separate tax entity,
Regarding your request, I am to formulate an employment law compliance plan for a Mr. Bradley Stonefield. It is my understanding that Mr. Stonefield is planning to open a limousine service in Austin, Texas. The limousine service will be made up of 25 employees within the first year.
For the case study provided with this Assessment Task, you are required to review risk management processes and determine scope and objectives, taking into account stakeholder input and both internal and external environmental factors affecting the organisation. With the information gathered, you are
Since Landslide Limousines is planning to operate for the time being inside the U.S., this section does not apply to it. In case later on the company decides to operate outside the country this section will be amended.
Proper survey and the complete scenario is taken into consideration about risks in the organization which enables the proper risk assessment. Potential of each threat or risk is evaluated and graded in order to reduce the impact of the risks or reduced the probability of its occurrence.
Discuss the risk management process presented in the course text (Page 8 of session 1). Apply it to a specific risk present in your own workplace and pay particular attention to any secondary risks that may be introduced.
Imagine being Chief Executive Officer of a Fortune 1000 company with projected annual earnings of $46 million dollars and revenues totaling in excess of one billion dollars. However, the company has operated from a status quo position for years, you find that your company sales revenue is quickly declining, profits are uneven, and the ability to retain staff is being negatively impacted. As Chief Executive Officer it is your duty to turn the company 's situation around so as to not loose any ground in the industry. This is precisely the situation that Riordan Manufacturing is currently facing. How would you go about resolving the myriad of problems at hand without losing
Identify the potential risks which affect the company and manage these risks within its risk appetite;