
Left Knee Pain Case Study

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Reason for Visit: Left Knee Pain
S: TM works in GA, running 05R. He runs O5R, which requires turning and pushing with his left leg, then, 07L standing on his toes process. On 1/10/2017, he felt sharp, burning pain in his left outer lateral knee, while he was working with radiator hoses. When he turns on his left leg, on his left toes, he felt a sharp pain below outer lateral left knee. Since then there were several incidents, where he felt the burning or locking up sensations in his left outer lateral knee, when he turn his left foot to the right, on unleveled ground, and/or getting up from a sitting position. TM reports pain level is 5/10, when the symptoms occur and denies previous injury to the location. TM takes BC power PRN. TM wants

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