
Left Behind Child Short Story

Decent Essays

There were times I saw myself rushing on the dark cement floor, phrases such as “don’t go away” kept spurting out of my lips obscurely. A lady was walking in front of me and there was nothing I could catch except the view of her back. Then I would wake up, found myself drown inside could sweat. I was left to my grandparents by my parents since I was four, and they moved to another country in order to find jobs with higher salary. I remember the day they stepped onto the airplane with their figures disappeared gradually, my grandpa was standing beside me, with a Chinese lullaby slipping out of his mouth: “The doll of clay, The doll of clay, she has got neither loving papa, nor loving mama...” Then all I can remember is that I cried so harshly that my grandparents got frightened. …show more content…

I admit I felt puzzled and indignant toward my father and mother’s decision that time, because I didn’t understand how could they leave me so

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