
Led Night Light Research Paper

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Options In Emergency Lighting During A Power Outage

When your power goes out at night, it can be a dangerous situation if you have to stumble around in the dark to find a flashlight or candle. If you've not used a flashlight in a long time, you may not even know where it is. This makes it difficult to get to your kids in a hurry when they might be afraid or roaming around the house looking for you. A solution is to install lights that automatically come on when the power goes out. Here are some options to consider.

LED Night Lights With Battery Power

LED bulbs are ideal in battery powered lights because they last a long time and don't use much energy. You can buy lights that plug into an outlet and come on automatically when the power shuts off. While these lights don't light up the entire room, they illuminate the floor area like a traditional night light or lamp does so you can walk around your home safely. Some of these night lights double as a remote control that will turn on other lights not plugged into a socket.

You may want to mount a battery-powered LED light to the ceiling so it will cast light downward on a table or kitchen counter. It's a good idea to have an emergency light near each …show more content…

You might want a light like this that doubles as a flashlight. It sits in a charger to act as a night light on a nightly basis, and when the power goes out, you can grab it for portable use as a flashlight. You can by rechargeable lights shaped like lanterns or bars that give off much more light than a small night light. These usually don't last as long since they use more power, but you can turn them off to conserve power if you need to. The disadvantage to relying on lights you have to recharge is if they go dead before the power comes on, then you won't have any lights. Battery powered lights could be a better choice but only if you have an ample supply of

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