
Process Praiseing

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No two people are the same. Everyone has a unique way of learning and studying. For some, success in learning and retaining information comes easy; however for others, success is a skill that takes practice to perfect. Evidence shows that having the right attitude and goals can positively affect learning (Mangels, Butterfield, Lamb, Good, & Dweck, 2006). Likewise, it is important to incorporate praise in young children to develop this particular mindset at a young age. A study done by Gunderson, Gripshover, Romero, Dweck, Goldin-Meadow, and Levine (2013) suggested that: Children who hear praise for effort and actions may construct a very different belief system from children who hear praise for traits (e.g., Kamins & Dweck, 1999; Mueller & Dweck, 1998). Children who hear a greater proportion of process praise (e.g., “you worked hard”) may come to believe that the sources of their accomplishments are effort and deliberate practice, whereas children who hear a greater proportion of person praise (e.g., “you’re so smart”) may come to believe that the sources of their accomplishments are fixed traits (Zentall & Morris, 2010, pp. 1) Learning the correct type of praise and feedback to give children is essential to developing the best mindset. The idea of this theory is to changes people’s mindset in such a way that will teach them learning is not a fixed trait. In order to accomplish this, the study suggests reinforcing positive feedback regardless of the outcome. It is also

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