
Leadership Application Research Paper

Decent Essays

believe that I will bring to my leadership positions. The main gift that I will bring is my ability to listen to anyone. No matter what the problem is, big or small, I am always available to listen. I believe that being a good listener is a great quality. These retreats really force you to open up and talk about things that you really do not want to talk about. However, when you do finally get comfortable tot talk you are going to want a good listener there to support you. I like to think that even the smallest problems or stories I am always listening. With a good listener, you are always going to need a person who is good at giving advice. I know that if I am selected to be a retreat leader I will try my hardest to give good advice. With …show more content…

I believe that I have the gift to really listen to others,, understand what they are going through, and give them the best piece of insight or advice I have. Furthermore, another gift I believe I would bring to my leadership positions would be being a kind compassionate person. I find good in every situation and every person. I try my best to treat others like they are my number one priority. I know what it is like to feel judged, so try my hardest to look past people’s differences and be accepting no matter what. I try my best to be an approachable person. Because I have been on a retreat before, I know how important it is to have an approachable, friendly leader. I know that I will be bring my gift of being friendly and approachable on any retreat I have. I believe this gift will help me be a great leader because it will make the retreatants feel more comfortable, also it will make them feel like they can trust …show more content…

In the fall, I was a member of the 1st field hockey team. Being that it was the first year for field hockey, it was not the most serious and strict sport. Next year I plan to be involved in field hockey, however it is not the most serious and strict sport so I will be fully committed to any retreat that I get put on. During the winter and through the spring I run varsity track at Walsh. Although I am a member of the varsity team, I know that the coaches are very understanding if we miss practice due to a school retreat. Track will not keep me from being fully committed to being a retreat leader. Throughout the school year I am involved with Justice League. Although it is hard during a sport season, I try my hardest to go to Justice League every Tuesday. With Justice League, I participate in Gonzaga every week that I can, and Labre every week that I get picked. I am also a leader of the Buddy Club. Next year Buddy Club has a couple of meetings and parties planned, but nothing that will keep me from being available for any retreat. Since my parents each own their own business, I am lucky to be able to work for them. I get to schedule my own working hours which is great. I plan to keep working throughout my senior year. They are very understanding when I can’t work because I have school activities or retreats. Although it may seem like I am very busy, none of my sports or activities are that serious in

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