
Latino Mental Health Case Study

Decent Essays

Mental health is an issue that, in some cases, is a topic that is swept under the carpet as if it has some kind of insignificance, especially within the Latin American community. According to the 2010 census, “17.8% of the U.S population is estimated to be Latino or Hispanic of those, over 15% had a diagnosable mental illness in the past year. That is over 8.9 million people” (“Latino/Hispanic Communities...” , 2016). The Latino American community has been known to suffer from various mental health conditions such as “general anxiety disorder, major depression, PTSD, alcoholism, and high rates of suicide attempts in Latina high school girls” (“Latino Mental Health”, 2011). Now, if mental illness and health issues are so prevalent within this community why is it being ignored? …show more content…

The Latino community has labeled mental illness/issues as a taboo of some sort thus the community refuses to discuss its presence. Since it is seen as a taboo “many Latinos do not seek treatment for fear of being labeled as “locos” (crazy) or as having a mental health condition because this may cause shame” (“Latino Mental Health”, 2011). Thus one of the main reasons that Latino Americans do not seek professional help for their health issues is because they are terrified to be branded as an outsider and put to shame due to their mental illness/issue being seen as nothing more than a “weakness”. For example, “according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 2015 Suicide Statistics, 18.9 percent of Hispanic students have seriously considered suicide, and 11.3 percent have attempted suicide” (“8 Facts About Latinos...”, 2015). Cases like this that were used as an example above are of great importance and should be taken into consideration due to the fact that it shows the presence of mental health issues like suicide being heavily prevalent in Latino American

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