
Late Devonian Calculation Paper

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Late Devonian paleoclimate proxy records indicate substantial sea level variations, however a thorough understanding of the Late Devonian climate and the causes of these fluctuations remain uncertain. Numerous theories, including glaciation, bolide impacts, global anoxia, and the spreading of land plants are attributed to these events. This paper attempts to test the plausibility of the glaciation hypothesis by applying Late Devonian boundary conditions to a general circulation model (GCM). A Late Devonian paleo-reconstruction is combined with soil and vegetation, pCO2, and obliquity parameters. Temperature and precipitation patterns indicate that it is possible for mountain glaciers to form in regions of Gondwana that have both high latitude and altitude. However, because there is a low temperature gradient between the equator and poles, the climate is comparable to post-industrial greenhouse climates. Therefore, these GCM simulations provide a greater understanding of Late Devonian climate conditions and add validity to Late Devonian glaciation. …show more content…

3c) (De Vleeschoucer, et al., 2014). These simulations suggest that it was possible for mountain glaciers to form on Gondwana in locations of both high altitude and latitude. An average monthly temperature of 37 °C is recorded at tropical Gondwanan latitudes and the highest land temperatures appear in January (Fig 4b)(De Vleeschoucer et al., 2014). Compared to modern pre-industrial simulations, Late Devonian sea surface temperatures are significantly higher. At 60° S this difference is 13 °C and 1.2 °C at the equator (Fig. 4a). Therefore, the Late Devonian climate has a low pole-to-equator temperature gradient and is comparable to post-industrial greenhouse climates (De Vleeschouwer et al.,

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