
Lao-Tzu: Characteristics of a Good Leader Essay examples

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Government is the essential power of a country, which directly influences society because it provides somewhat of a security blank for those who are affected by it. Lao-Tzu’s, “Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching,” along with Niccolo Machiavelli’s, “The Qualities of the Prince,” both discuss multiple characteristics that a leader should possess to be a successful. While their goal is similar, in which they both describe what it takes to become a better leader, their ideas concerning leading are conflicting.
Lao-Tzu, a Chinese Philosopher from Henan Province China, is known today as the author of, “Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching.” He is also recognized as a, “contemporary of Confucius.” He served as a keeper of the dynastic archives. …show more content…

This was a time, in which a money-based economy was being established, with means of commerce, the organization of international finance, and trading fleets. Technological advances were also on the rise such as gunpowder. This innovation changed the nature of the military as a whole. Another advance this era established was the printing press, this allowed the development of the Bible. It was processed in its original tongue and also translated into the vernacular (Baumgartner).
When reading both of these stories, I was always hung up on what exactly I thought a good leader is. Lao-Tzu states in his work, “When the Master governs the people are hardly aware that he exists.” His proposal says that the ruler shouldn’t inform the people about all of his ideas, and that the less they know the happier they will be in the end. This idea of a leader, who is somewhat under the radar, completely contradicts Machiavelli’s idea, that a ruler must be feared to be effective. As I thought more about this I felt as if I was slightly more in sync with Machiavelli’s viewpoints. People today need to have an authority figure in which they fear so that they will obey laws. In a world filled with crime, more fear might lead to less law breaking. But is fear the only trait one should have to be an effective leader? In

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