
Lane Cove National Park Case Study

Decent Essays

The negotiation executed discussed the scenario of the Lane Cove National Park access road in North Ryde. Three parties were involved; the council, a privately-operated cemetery and Lane Cove National Park. In this scenario, a council owned local road lead down the hill from its junction with a main RMS-owned road to the entrance of Lane Cove National Park. A heavy real station is located at the top of the hill, which means that the section of the council road towards the top is now used by train commuters as a car park. Half way down the hill is a large cemetery located. The road is wide and well maintained down to this cemetery, after passing the road narrows and is in poor shape, without a footpath. The national park is concerned, that in case of a bush fire, public safety cannot be guaranteed if the road is not widened; in addition, storm water runs from the cemetery towards the park, damaging its ecology. Lane Cove is keen to improve the situation by widening the road section, control the parking and address water pollution. To do so, cooperation from the other parties is necessary. …show more content…

However, by focusing on the aim of finding out as much information as possible during the “first meeting”, a mutual goal was established quickly, namely: public safety. Since the owners of the cemetery deny responsibility for the storm water pollution, a third party was invited to provide objective knowledge about the situation. The costs for this expert were equally shared between the three parties. Although some might argue this is fairly accommodating, it provides factual ground for further negotiations, and helps work towards the shared

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