
Landlady Alternate Ending

Decent Essays

As the wind blows softly against the glass, the Landlady and I sit by the hearth. There is a moment of silence in the room then the Landlady says, “Are you tired, Billy?”
I replied, “Yes, may I go to bed Ma’ma.”
As I headed up stairs, the Landlady stays down stairs so instead of going to my room I head to Gregory and Mr. Mulholland's room on the trird story. I open the door and it makes a high pitched squeaky noise, as I go in it is dark and silent and it smells like a graveyard. I look around and find a candle I quickly light the candle and look around I see the two boys in there beds with their eyes wide open, but they say nothing so
I respond, “Gregory, Mr Mulholland,’’ but they say nothing back. So I go up to Gregory and tap on his shoulder it was cold and hard and they still did not respond. Then I went to Mr. Mulholland and I tap his shoulder and the same thing happened his shoulder was cold and hard. A few moments past and I did not know what to do so I go back to Gregory and this time time I shook him a little but he did not do anything so I rolled him over and noticed there was stitches on his back. …show more content…

In a shock of a surprise the Landlady walks in and finds me there and asked me
“Billy what are you doing in here, and what are you doing to Gregory?”
Then I replied softly, “Why are there stitches on his neck?”
The Landlady said softly, “I have stuffed both of them and let them rest here until I

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