
Lady Narcissa Nari Kuliesva Essay

Better Essays

Chapter One : The Beginning

According to the ancient marriage laws of the Royal Kuelisvas Family, A heir must get married to a suitable suitor from a different planet in the solar system. One of the kuelisvas heirs, Lady Narcissa Nari Kuelisvas, didn't want to follow her family's traditional marriage laws. She wanted to chose her own husband. When her parents, King Vidello and Queen Ayria Kuelisvas, had chosen an future husband for their teenaged daughter, She was frustrated at her parents. To escape the engagement, Narcissa took her father's spaceship and went to the planet earth. Before she could land, her control system stopped working and went haywire. The Spaceship crash landed in Los Angeles, California where she met a teenaged boy named …show more content…

She was disguised as a exchange student from London and used the alias Janice McGuire to throw off suspicion from the locals. The 16 year old alien girl took residence in the Stephens' household. After Zackery learned the truth about narcissa, He was very surprised. He caught her when she was using her powers at night. Zackery had developed feelings for the alien princess. The Human didn't care about what her appearance was. No matter what race she was, he still loved and cared about her. After they turned 18, Zackery proposed to the princess. She accepted it. The two went to the prom and enjoyed it. When the prom was over, They traveled back into space to meet narcissa's parents. When they arrived on the planet mars, Narcissa's Parents were glad to see their daughter returned back home. But the parents were not so pleased with their daughter's chosen fiance. Ever since that he arrived, they tried to break off the engagement in numerous of attempts. After numerous of attempts, …show more content…

"All Right, Pandora, I'm leaving", He sighed. "Oh, Pandora, Just remember: No matter where you come from or who are you, You're still have a mom and dad who loves you dearly", He added. The Father returned back to his bedroom while leaving his daughter to soak. He looked at his wife. "What are we going to do with Kimberly?" She asked. "I don't know, Janice, I bet that she'll calm down eventually", He answered. "You're right, Nobody can't stay mad forever", He agreed. Zackery held his nose in disgusted manner. "Janice, Please take a shower or a bath before you go to bed", He complained. "All Right, I'll go take a bath", She stated. She went into their personal bathroom and went into the bathtub. She got undressed and turn on the shower head. She grabbed the pink bar of soap and scrubbed herself. 'What am I gonna do with Kimberly?' She thought. ' I wish that I knew the answer', She

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