
Lady Macbeth Is A Villain

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In the Shakespearian play 'Macbeth', it seems to be that every one thinks that Macbeth is the villain. But in actual fact Lady Macbeth is the villain. Lady Macbeth uses her cunning and deceptive skills to over power Macbeth into killing King Duncan. When Lady Macbeth receives the letter telling her about the witches' prophecies, she immediately thinks that she and Macbeth will have to kill King Duncan. She calls Macbeth to kind to kill King Duncan and saying that "Is to ful o' the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way" Lady Macbeth- Act 1 scene V. Lady Macbeth knows that King Duncan must be killed for Macbeth to become king, lady Macbeth fells to feminine to be implicated in this genocide so she goes and asks the gods to …show more content…

She constantly attacks Macbeth with ideas and taught to provoke Macbeth into committing the crime. Lady Macbeth herself goes and uses her cunning and deceptive feminine ways to drug the guards to make the doors to King Duncan's chamber open. She gives Macbeth the dangers and tells him to go and kill Duncan. That show that she is forcing Macbeth to go and she uses her deceptive (outside-flower like) ways but inside she is a serpent which clearly shows that she has the characteristics of a villain. "Appear innocent like the slower but be the serpent under 'T" Lady Macbeth- Act 1 scene V After the murder of King Duncan, Macbeth comes back with the bloody danger that killed King Duncan. Lady Macbeth takes the daggers and places them back into the kings chamber after she wipes the guards cloths in the blood of Duncan. She comes back to Macbeth and tells him that she placed the daggers back to the chamber. "My hands are of your colour; but I shame to wear a heart so white" Lady Macbeth- Act 2 scene

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