
Lack Of Insanity In Damien Chazelle's Whiplash

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There's a saying "When passions meets inspiration an obsession is born"(RVM). But what if that very same inspiration is the one thing that is driving you towards the brink of insanity? Is it worth it? Is the social isolation, physical and mental abuse worth it? In Damien Chazelle's Whiplash, the relationship between an ambitious jazz student Andrew Neiman(Miles Teller) and an abusive instructor Terence Fletcher(J.K Simmons) is explored. After watching this film I first came to the conclusion that both Fletcher and Andrew were madmen. But after taking a closer look, it is clear that Andrew Neiman is simply a victim among many who suffered from the unorthodox methods of music instructor Fletcher. For you to be ambitious means to have a drive that comes from …show more content…

Therefore, throughout Damien Chazelle's Whiplash, it can be determined that Terence Fletcher's teaching methods hinder Andrew Neiman's ambitions in being the best jazz drummer possible because it results in obsessive compulsive disorder and he's led to believe that he must forego personal relationships to achieve greatness
In "Whiplash" Andrew Neiman puts himself through physical and mental distress to fit into Fletcher's paradigm of a perfect drummer. Andrew's symptoms of OCD reflects his that desire to be the perfect drummer. During Andrew's practicing session his passion and pressure from Fletcher causes him to show severe signs

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