
Lack Of Female Coaches At The Youth And Colligate Levels

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This study is designed to bring attention to the lack of female coaches at the youth and colligate levels. Most youth and collegiate sports coaches are men in today 's world. There are many factors that play a role for this predicament. Many times in the recreation field mothers are viewed as the “team moms” and the fathers are usually the coaches. Research will show that the number of female coaches to male coaches at all levels of coaching is drastically different. The number of female athletes has increased but the number of female coaches has decreased. There have not been large amounts of research done in the recreation field surrounding this problem, but the research found in college athletics directly reflects what is happening at the youth level as well.

Recreation and sport is historically known as a manly practice all around the world. Sport is typically associated with males that have led to the stereotype of sport equaling masculinity (Obenour, 2002, p. 2). A lot has changed when it comes to gender roles but it seems still to this day that women have less power than men, this is noticeable in recreation and sport in the 21st century. There has been a decrease in athletic leadership positions at the youth and college levels occupied by women ever since Title IX was passed in 1972. Research shows that female coaches has decreased by 48% and is still decreasing at a rapid rate (Blom, 2011, p. 54).
Within sports and recreation, it is clear to

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