Lacey Spears is a former mommy blogger. She made her living telling people about how they should raise their children. Last year, she was sentenced to 20 years in prison for killing her son. Lacey stated that prison life has been brutal. She has also been treated very badly by her fellow inmates. Lacey recently spoke to John Glatt about her experiences in prison. What she had to say was shocking. Lacey stated that life in prison has been too difficult. She said that she constantly has to watch her back. Lacey also stated that people are constantly talking about her behind her back. She murdered her five-year-old child by injecting with an excessive amount of salt. Many people stated that Lacey suffers from Munchausen by Proxy, which is a disorder
For the offender the only factor that affected her criminal behaviour was self-interest. Whether she followed the victim to murder or not, to some extent she wanted to extract some form of revenge. This was confirmed during the trial when the passenger who was in the car with the offender said “She was sick of them” and followed them as a means of teaching them a lesson. The offender’s defence relied on proving that at the time of the incident the factors affecting her were psychological and that her actions were uncontrollable due to her consumption of alcohol and her use of cannabis, heroin and valium in combination with her bipolar disorder. However this was dismissed upon the testimony of Susan Pullman, a neuropsychologist who proved that the offender was not experiencing mania at the time of the incident.
Giving the evidence of the crime, Lacey wasn’t mentally stable, to go into a home where you were taken in by a family and shoot your girlfriend in the head for no reason, shows that he should have been evaluated after they found out that his sister was abusing him and that he had a rough home. Someone should have given him the time of treatment and counseling, but he wasn’t. Not saying that it justifies what he had done, there just obviously shows that he wasn’t
Louise Gosselin has undergone a life of many obstacles. She struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, as well as psychological problems. As a result of this she has been in and out of numerous jobs of various nature. For the majority of her adult life she has received social assistance. When Quebec decided to change its existing social assistance scheme in 1984, Louise felt her constitutional and provincial rights were violated, resulting in her pursuit of legal action. This is how the case of Gosselin v. A.G. (Quebec) came to be.
Reputation management firms warn customers that anyone may chose to take revenge on them at any time, however, Lynn Louise Taylor went further than most people in her effort to discredit her ex-husband's reputation. As reported by the Daily Business Review, Taylor hired a private detective to buy laptops, go to places with public Wi-Fi networks, and then post scathing comments about her ex-husband, an orthopedic surgeon, on review websites. The private detective then tossed the computers into the ocean.
Rachelle Allen had 3 kids she didn't want anymore kids so she "underwent a tubal ligation". So she could't get pregnant. Later years she met her husband. Her husband wanted kids. Allen agreed and had a surgery so she could have kids again. It was 2005 where she was in pail from the surgery. This was the first time Allen used opioids. 6 months after the surgery her pain was gone. She kept taking opioids because she said it was the only way she could function. Her doctor didn't tell her that opioids were highly addicted. Allen researched what was going on with her and Allen said "I knew I was in trouble". On Allen's wedding day she was 8 weeks pregnant and she said she was "pretty high". Allen started to demand to her doctor to give her more
As reported in the client Interview, Helen Stonewall is a married, 32-year-old African American female and mother to her 5 year old daughter, Sonya. Helen night started at a bar where she progressed from a feel drinks with a couple of gentlemen that appeared to be friends where she then continued to become louder and more rowdy until she had to be forced out of the bar. Later, Helen was found dancing half naked in the middle of a busy intersection at 2 A.M by the police. Police stated that she appeared to be on drugs and was half naked when she was found and had to be placed in handcuffs when she refused to get out of the road. Helen explained to the police that she was not on drugs but was, “Just high on life”. Lab test later reported no evidence of excessive alcohol or other drug use. Helen reported to have been “racing” before she went to the bar. Helen describes herself to be up and down, going from periods of high energy and little sleep to then crash and feel periods of sadness with lack of energy or enthusiasm.
Beverley Allitt or more known as the “Angel Of Death,”, showed some tendencies early on in her life while growing up. As a child she was very different, “Beverley would wear bandages and casts over wounds that she would use to draw attention to herself, without actually allowing the injuries to be examined” (“Beverley Allitt”)run-on. As Beverley got older, she became overweight, became incredibly attention seeking, and often showed aggression towards other people. As she got older it got worse, “Allitt’s behavior in adolescence appeared to be typical of Munchausen’s Syndrome and when this behavior failed to elicit the desired reactions in others, she began to harm
Bridge- Jodi Arias brutally killed her boyfriend travis Alexander. While on trial she made outrageous claims. Still, she manages to charm, captivate, and and horrify the country. This odd fascination with Jodi was somewhat of a Norman bates effect; you know what she did was wrong, but she was bewitching, even magnetizing at times.
She should not care about what people think of her. She should be repenting on her mistakes and apologize to everyone she hurt. She should be remembering memories of her two beautiful sons. She should be regretting that she killed her innocent children and not herself. She should be regretting that she did not receive the death penalty because she cannot bear to live with the guilt of what she did. She is a cold blood murderer. Even after all these years, she still has not shown one bit of remorse for what she has
Mrs. Andrea Yates murdered her five young children, aged 6 months to 7 years old. Since the birth of her fourth child she had had serious bouts with depression. She had suicidal tendencies that had earned her multiple stay at a hospital and was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis. She was on and off different anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, mutilated herself, stopped feeding her youngest child and was seeing a couple of psychiatrists. These therapists warned of Mrs. Yates not taking her prescriptions and being left alone with the children. One of her therapist recommended her needing constant supervision alone and definitely with her children. Her mother-in-law had been coming over after Mr. Yates left for work each morning. Her husband said that he was not aware of this and in the weeks leading up to the murders had insisted that the only way to cure his wife of this depression was to give her increasing responsibility for her children. He decided that his mother would come over in the mornings after giving Mrs. Yates an hour to be alone with them. On the morning of June 20, 2001during one of these hours, Mrs. Yates committed her crime.
Jane was born as Honora Kelley and grew up without a mother and with an alcoholic father. She spent many years of her life in poverty and she was forced to uproot her life to go live in the Boston Female Asylum. After a few years, Jane was adopted by Mrs. Ann Toppan, and Jane spend every day being extremely jealous of her beautiful step-sisters. Especially when she was left at the alter at only 19 years old, she determined she was unlovable and turned dark and hateful. She eventually moved out to become a nurse where not long after got the name nightmare nurse (Lyle, 2011). While working in the hospital which had low supervision and security, this allowed her to do as she pleased. Jane experimented with drugs using morphine and atropine on the patients that she did not like (Lyle, 2011). No one
“Paula Thompson was arrested on December 12, 2014, after her mother-in-law found her in a bathroom with the twins, who were wet, fully clothed and crying. Authorities said Thompson told sheriff's deputies she wanted to kill the children. She was sent to the University of California, Los Angeles, Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital for evaluation and was also ordered to perform 160 hours of community service, undergo psychiatric care and notify the court if she changes her physician."I would like nothing more than to get in my car, drive home and see my children," Thompson said outside court. "But they want to make sure I'm well. I want to make sure I'm well." While Thompson and her husband John, both knew she was suffering from postpartum
She had to be hospitalized, and when to a medical center after being released from the hospital. This was a three-day mental evaluation that was requested by her parents, physicians and the police ("Britney Spears." Contemporary). This was the best thing that Britney could have done to not only stop gaining the unwanted attention from the press, but to get her kids back as well. Britney did not gain full custody of her two children, but she did eventually get to spend three days a week with them ("Britney Spears."
When Spears was an up and coming pop star, the money made from sales went directly to support her family. As noted earlier, her family did not live so comfortably, so the added revenue from her budding career helped her family maintain a living. Besides supporting her family, her most noble and altruistic behavior is demonstrated through her role as a mother. Spears has two boys: Preston and Jayden. Her boys receive her full attention when she’s off stage.
We, the Jury, find the defendant, Delia Jones, guilty of voluntary manslaughter; the defendant proves guilty of many aspects of this murder charge. The defendant claims to have been provoked prior to her actions, telling of how her merciless husband traumatized her through the vicious rattle snake attacking her after being staged, by her husband, in her laundry basket for her to return to. The murder of her husband, Sykes Jones, involves an extended period of time between the initial provocation, Delia discovering the snake that was intended to kill her, and his death. She had many reasons to murder her husband, but none of them justify or rationalize intentionally taking another human life.