It is known that Canada will be faced with a labour shortage by 2030 and there are quite a few reasons behind this issue. The aging of the baby-boom generation is limiting the labour force growth and to make things worse, there are low fertility rates. Lower birth rates and the aging population indicate that there will be an issue filling these labour gaps. The baby boomers are retiring and there are not enough youth to take over their positions in the labour force. Due to the retiring of these workers, careers such as air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors will face this shortage. These labour shortages will continue to become more severe as the number of retirees grow and the number of youth decline. Another contributing
PC 1003 played an important role in the history of the Canadian Labor. The codes of the order-in-council PC 1003 created many arguments among many historians. Order-in-council PC 1003 came into effect on 17 February 1944. It was introduced during the Second World War in Canada by the Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. PC 1003 was also known by the Wartime Labor Relations Order. The codes of the Order-in-council PC 1003 protected the worker’s right to collectively bargain, represent and organize the unions chosen by a majority of the workers. This order-in-council PC 1003 covered both the federal and the provisional employees. This emergency law was extended by two years after the Second World War to bring peacetime in the Canadian
the workforce was to provide the flexible cheap labour. PC 1003 did not give importance to the working class women. “With few exceptions, the vast majority of women employed in the private sector remain unorganized.” There were two types of women’s participation in the workforce that was highlighted in the working class Canadians. The first type consists of one having the paid workers in the workforce and the second type consists of unpaid domestic workers in the household. “Both demographic and economic forces shaped the changing labour force. A small birth cohort in the 1930 and later age of entry of girls in the work-force in the 1950s created a demand for female labour that was augmented considerably by the economic expansion, especially
Two emerging trends in Canada’s healthcare system are the aging population and higher survival rates from accidents and injuries. These are just two of the many current trends affecting the field of occupational therapy. Occupational Therapists are health care professionals that provide occupational therapy, which enables people to perform the occupations that encourage and promote health and well-being. Furthermore, this enables a fair society which allows individuals to participate to their potential in their daily occupations of life. Since Occupational Therapists work in diverse settings such as homes and communities, institutions, and industries and businesses, these health care professionals are well positioned to play a leadership role on healthcare teams.
Canada's government-funded health care system in under attack. Despite the mandate of the Canada health act, which was meant to assure universality, comprehensiveness, equitable access, public administration and portability of our health care system, (Braithwaite 17), Canadians today make the issue of health care their most important political concern. One of the biggest crises the Canadian health care system faces is for strange reasons not in the spotlight when debating the issues, that is the brain drain-Canada losing highly skilled physicians and health care workers to other countries like the U.S. It is time to look at solutions to reverse this popular trend among
Employee skills and the ability of employers to attract and retain skilled workers will be a primary concern to Canada’s economy in the immediate future. A train overflowing with crisis is approaching, and we need to stop listening for it to come because it’s already bearing down on us. Labour and skill shortages in Canada can be attributed to: aging population, increased life expectancy, migration of highly skilled labour, and the disparity between the skills possessed by youth and the skills demanded by employers.
Migrant agricultural work in Canada has been practised in Canada for over forty years, to help support and benefit Canadian farmers (Brem, M., 2006). Unfortunately, allowing the migrant agricultural workers in Canada permanent citizenship is a sensitive and controversial outstanding issue. Canadians who oppose the option for migrant agricultural workers to be granted paths to citizenship complain that these workers are not Canadian by birth, that the migrant workers intentions are to just take pre-existing Canadians money, the migrant agricultural workers are looking for a “free pass” into Canada or they presume that migrant workers put a burden on services paid for by taxes. Proponents for allowing migrant agricultural workers paths to Canadian
According to our current Business model, there are so many problems that we are facing. Each problem is connected to each other. The shortage of raw material, that leads to the layoff of labor and production stopped, that may cause decrease in profitability and the High labor cost of Quebec labor united.
If you were asked are you against or for the Canadian Welfare State, what would you answer? Prior to all of the research that I have constructed for this assignment, I had little knowledge about the Canadian Welfare State. There is a lot of criticism and support from those who are against and for the Canadian Welfare State, but what exactly is it? Before coming up with my opinion I had to get to know the Welfare State, its history, and the advantages and disadvantages of it.
It’s obvious in your noble achievements, how you have made Canada a better home for the lower classes and the less fortunate. As I thank-you for your responsible actions, I also ask you to go above and beyond, and share these goals of yours to the world. You have made a significant change here in Canada, but depressingly enough the problem is not just in Canada but in the whole world.
The Federal Government of Canada should provide not only access to immigration but also make sure to provide new immigrants with opportunities. Firstly, there are still employment issues for Immigrants. According to an interview conducted by CBC, interviewing new immigrants and refugees, Sandy chugh, an immigrant said, "I don't see a lot of growth," when describing his current job. Despite having years of experience in marketing and a bachelor's degree from Ireland, the 32-year-old is working in a warehouse for the retailer Best Buy (Dunn, 2016). This relates to the issue as due to refugees and immigrants not having an absolute experience, yet being highly qualified for jobs, are not given equal opportunities than the natives who were born and educated in the country. Furthermore, to resolve this issue, the Canadian government must
Examining population trends can help Canada in regards to planning for the future, particularly within the health field. Looking at the population pyramids, a large portion of Canadas population are older adults. (Clarke, 2016). It is also known that a large portion of older adults reside within their own homes, “92.1% lived in private households…while 7.9% lived in collective dwellings” (Statistics Canada, 2011). Why it is though that living within one’s home seems to be the common trend? Perhaps living within a familiar community and neighborhood contributes to this choice. As older adults age and experience the need to transition into a collective dwelling, how will the notion of community and keeping these individuals in their community’s
Canada has really strict policies and laws on who can immigrate to the country, and as a blooming economical place, people who have excellent experience will have a promised opportunity for jobs. In 2015 a new law came out economic immigrants helping them to come to Canada as fast as possible without any trouble. “Express Entry” is a major step forward in the transformation of Canada’s immigration system into one that is fast, flexible and focused on meeting Canada’s economic and labor needs. This will allow for greater flexibility and better responsiveness to deal with regional labor shortages, and help fill open jobs for which there are no available Canadian workers. Formerly referred to as “Expression of Interest” will be open to skilled
First lets understand the roots of the pilot shortage issue. Before the 1990s most pilots had military backgrounds and the natural progression once they retired from the military was to work for a major mainline airline such as American or Delta Airlines. Previously the military was much larger and the amount of pilots coming out of the military replaced the amount of pilots who reached the age of 60 (mandatory retirement age at the time). But about 15 years after the military draft ended there was an increase of pilots who started
One of the most pressing issues faced by Canada today is unemployment. In fact, reports confirm that the jobless rate continues to increase every year. As of February this year, the unemployment rate was at 7.0%. The presence of unemployment rate is evident in various provinces. In Quebec, the number of people working declined by 26,000 in February. Alternately, the number of employed in British Columbia fell by 10,000; while Saskatchewan nearly 6,000 individuals are unable to find jobs. The Conference Board of Canada projected that the country’s labour woes could reach to more than one million workers by 2020. In addition to this, experts predict that the unemployment rate in this country will surpass that of the United States. Along with the dismal figures and projections, the problem of unemployment consequently creates numerous negative consequences on the nation’s economy, its government, and of course its people. Some of the known effects of unemployment include reduced spending power, an increase in financial cost, recession, and even crimes and violence. Individually, long-term unemployment may result to depression, loss of self-respect, and strained relationships with family and friends – ultimately causing damage to the person’s overall well-being. The adverse effects of unemployment only show that this issue imposes a significant cost both on a national and individual level. As such, it is of primary importance to create an immediate plan of action to alleviate
With the recent economic the labour market is in labour shortage status, every industry is searching for people to work for their company. A company without employees, the operation is unable to run, as the general said employees are the biggest asset in every company. An employer with a respectable reputation or brand may not be the smartest choice to hire an ex convict, but from a business point of view the finance and workplace benefits are worth the risk to employ the single.