
Labor Unions In The 19th Century

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Starting from the nineteenth century was the beginning of labor unions in America (2). With minimum wage today in the twenty first century, we can see the changes that occurred due to the labor unions that fought for inequality pay (1). The working condition dramatically transform for the interest of the people. The role of the Labor unions was to promote a positive force for fair working conditions for Americans through the battle against corporations. Labor unions' only goals were to make the pay fair and the poor working conditions desirable. The unions were only looking to make the workers' lives easier than what it was. Without the labor unions, American workers would not have weekends off, breaks, paid vacation, sick …show more content…

Their motivation to make improvement benefited the people and inspired them to stand up for what was right. They were able to give job security to the people, where you can't fire a person without a reason (1). Without the stand of labor union we would not have what we currently have. The unions improved the working environment exceptionally well, and now working isn't so burdensome. It is a safe environment and if something goes wrong, there is compensation for the workers. The unions made changes for every blue collar worker that wouldn't have been possible for any single person on their own. The decline of labor unions at this time was due to their main goals being completed. After striving to get more working rights pass, and accomplishing that, there was no use for the unions to Phan 2 expand. The unions did so much for “sub stating the middle class (3).” They made a vast correction towards having working standards more suitable for the people’s matters. Therefore, the roles of labor unions were in the interest of the people’s minds. They only wanted to make a positive impact in the people’s lives by promoting a force to get fair working conditions for

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