
Labor Law Whistle Blowing Dillema Essay

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Labor Law Whistle Blowing Dillema Labor relations today, are quite different from those that existed in England during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries when employment relationships were considered of very little importance in the eyes of the law. Industrialization and commerce grew bringing with it the birth of modem day labor law. America was in no way exempt from the pain of progress. Employer and employee relationships were strained from the very beginning of labor, and it soon was evident that government intervention would be necessary to keep the labor movement on track. Several statues have been enacted since the early nineteenth century to deal with management and unions. Evidence can be seen from the Norris-La …show more content…

(2) The active whistle-blower - describes employees that voice their concerns over illegal activity conducted by their employer, and take steps either internally or externally to expose such activity. The active whistle-blower usually creates the most controversy because this person is under the employ of the people or organization who are the object of the complaint (Westman 21). (3) The embryonic whistle-blower - describes employees who have been terminated before they have the opportunity to expose their employers' practices. These employees are usually terminated because the employer suspects that they represent a potentially sensitive or unfavorable predicament (Westman 22). The various forms of retribution that whistle-blowers endure at the hands of employers both financially and psychologically for attempting to correct mismanagement, fraud, and dishonesty are often too much for the whistle-blower to bear. Careers are in jeopardy because individuals with strong ethics decide to pursue law suits against their employers. One example is where the US Forest Service employees found their careers ruined by either demotions or loss of jobs when caught speaking out in favor of the environment or sound science, or when

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