
Lab Report Physics

Satisfactory Essays

Phys 221 Section
September 12, 2016
Experiment 1: Motion
Reba Chamblee
Partner: Erin Jacoby

Abstract: In the first part of the experiment, a stop watch, meter stick, and various objects of different masses were used to estimate time, length, and mass which are the fundamental quantities of mechanics. The next part consisted of comparing more sophisticated techniques, such as a Vernier caliper to a 30cm ruler, to measure the average volume and mass of a wooden block/metal block and the diameter of 5 circular objects. While calculating these measurements, the inherent uncertainty of these different methods of measurement was learned.

Results: PART A
Quantity Reference Value Estimated (Partner, Myself) Percent Error (Partner, Myself) …show more content…

These objectives of learning were completed using different methods while enforcing accuracy and precision and were able to teach the fundamental quantities of mechanics which are length, time, and mass. Human error could account for any discrepancies in measurements of weight or dimensions.
1. Why is it important to have a “feel” for mass, length, and time?
Having a feel for these important fundamentals helps in determining if an estimation needs to be applied. It is important to have accuracy when finding data.

2. Based upon density values found in a table of element properties, from what material is the metal object made? Calculate the percentage error of your density from the standard density. What could account for the discrepancy?

Based upon the density, the metal object is made of niobium.
Percent Error: [(8.43 g/cm3 – 8.57 g/cm3)/ (8.57 g/cm3)] x 100% = 1.63%
The discrepancy could be from slight error in the measuring of the weight or dimensions of the

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