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[pic] Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Of SINGAPORE Chemical Engineering Process Laboratory I SEMESTER 4 Experiment F2 Flow Measurement in Closed Conduit and Centrifugal Pump Characteristics Name : Ang Sok Gek Chai Chang Er Cherry Chen Mingli Matriculation No. : U046941L U046938W U046882J Group : Th1 Date of Experiment : 16th March 2006 Table of Contents Page Summary 2 Part I: Flow Measurement in Closed Conduit A. Introduction 3 B. Objectives 3 C. Theoretical Background 4 D. Experimental Procedures 9 E. Results and Calculations 12 F. Discussion 50 G. Error Analysis 58 H. …show more content…

Lastly, the individual flows were determined when all three lines in the closed conduit were opened. C. Theoretical Background The closed conduit used in measuring the flow is setup as shown in Figure I.1 on the next page. There are three parallel lines: Line 1: Consists of smooth bore pipe, rough bore pipe, gradual expansion, sudden contraction, 90o elbow, 90o and 180o bend.. This line can be closed or opened by the control of the Isolation Valve 1. Line 2: Consists of a diaphragm valve, ball valve, globe valve and needle valve. This line can be closed or opened by the control of the Ball Valve. Line 3: Consists of an orifice meter and venture meter. This line can be closed or opened by the control of Isolation Valve 2. The combined flowed passes through a rotameter and then flows back to the holding vessel. Points 21 and 22 are common points for all the three lines. When there is flow through closed conduits, there will be frictional head loss. Other losses may also occur due to the present of valves, elbows, bend and other fittings that involves change in the direction of flow and size of flow passage. Frictional head loss is a measure of the reduction in the total head (sum of elevation head, velocity head and pressure head) of a fluid as it moves through a fluid system. Frictional head loss is unavoidable in real fluids and is present due to friction between adjacent

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