
Lab Report On The Heat And Eat Meal Pack

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Introduction In this unit we have conducted research and experiments on our chosen reactions to create the highest exothermic reaction for the The Heat-and-Eat meal pack will use a chemical reaction that involves two reactants. Reactant 1 is a solid and Reactant 2 is a liquid. The solid reactant will be in a chamber next to the button. The button is pushed to start the reaction by removing the barrier between the solid and liquid reactants. The reaction should produce heat for at least 5–8 minutes. This will allow the meal to absorb the heat and be ready to eat within 10 minutes of the diner starting the reaction. The Non-Magnesium Flameless Ration Heater TM (FRH) is targeted for use in military operational ration packs and Hot Pack/Action Pack self-heating meals. single case can provide nutritional variety, critical in crisis situations where appetite may be suppressed by stress or emotional trauma. The entrée is ready in just 10 minutes by using the self-heating unit. Aim and Hypothesis Aim: To plan, conduct, evaluate and report on an investigation of chemical changes, and make recommendations for their use as an energy source in Heat-and-Eat meal packs. Hypothesis: Reaction 3 will create the highest exothermic reaction in the test tube this is because the chemicals are highly flammable the means they are high in exothermic relations. If we use 4 grams of zinc powder the chemical retain with the copper sulphate solution will create the highest temperature We changed the

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