
La Vita Nuova

Decent Essays

The promise of a new life at a wedding is an optimistic rebirth; the loss of a lover is an obligatory uprooting. Allegra Goodman’s “La Vita Nuova” records the changed life of a freshly dumped bride-to-be. As she endures her altered life, Amanda occupies herself by babysitting her student Nathaniel. Amanda uses irony, dark humor, and juxtaposition as a coping mechanism; instead of facing the new life she has to live, she uses sardonic reflection to elongate her mourning period.
When Amanda digs up memories of her ex-fiancé, her timing and choice of anecdote help her wallow in rejection for longer. Reflecting on her breakup, she says “‘We had too many differences... For example, I loved him and he didn't love me’” (Goodman). She proves this with the things she remembers her fiancé saying to her. There are two basic types of ex-fiance quotes: insults with witty retorts from Amanda and compliments contrasted with Amanda’s current cynical views. As an example of the former, while spending time with Nathaniel, Amanda thinks of her fiance’s cutting words: "It's hard to be with you, her fiancé had said. I feel like I'm suffocating. Open a window, Amanda had said" (Goodman). Instead of living in the moment and enjoying Nathaniel’s company, she insists on dwelling on the past.
Amanda's dark humor applied to her current life makes a mockery of her future. Her …show more content…

By bringing her dress into her 1st grade art class, Amanda allowed the loss of her fiance to incite the loss of her job. After peeling back an outer layer of literary prose, Amanda is able to reveal to the reader that Dante’s La Vita Nuova details the perfect masochistic love. She then proceeds to revel in its darkness, responding to a compliment with "You're not supposed to say that... You're supposed to write a sonnet" (Goodman). Amanda wants to stay unhappy and unmoving; she admires a love that is

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