
Kubler-Ross Model Of Grief

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Grief can simply be defined as a deep feeling of sorrow, heartache and suffering in response to a loss or tragic event. It comes in many different forms for many different reasons. Greif can come about from the loss of a loved one, the loss of a pet, parents divorcing, changing schools, etc. Even though adults have a greater mental capacity than children, they often handle grief in the same way, experiencing the same behaviors and feelings. Someone who is going through a state of grief has experienced some type of loss. Grief is a natural reaction to dealing with some type of loss. This loss includes, but is not limited to, death of a loved one, death of a bed, separation or divorce, tragedy, injury, moving, loss of health, etc. These …show more content…

These stages of grief are known as the Kubler-Ross model. The first stage is denial. In this stage, the person tries to act like what they are grieving over didn’t happen. For example, if grieving over the death of a friend, the person may say, “This isn’t happening, she isn’t dead.” After exiting the denial stage, the person goes into a state of anger. At this point, a person is mad at their loss. For example, if a son’s mother passes away, he might say something like, “God, I am so mad at you for taking my mother away from me.” during the anger stage. The third stage of grief is known as bargaining. In this stage, someone tries to make a deal in order to get what they lost back. For example, in this stage someone who lost their husband may say, “God, if you bring my husband back, I will never complain again.” The fourth stage is known as the depression stage. In this stage, the person grieving has a feeling of emptiness and a piece of themselves missing. For example, is a child’s dog passes away, she may feel like a piece of her has passed on with the dog. The final stage of grief as stated in the Kubler-Ross model is acceptance. In this stage, a person’s feelings and emotions begin to stabilize. In this stage, a person still had bad days, but for the most part, they have stable emotions. In the stage of acceptance someone who lost their brother may say, “I lost my brother, but I am going to be …show more content…

By this age, it is very likely that students will have experienced some form of grief. According to Child Grief Awareness, 1 and 5 children have experienced the death of someone they were close to by the age of 18. It is very likely that the loss or death will occur before or during the time I am teaching the students. There are many statistics that state the death of a parent or parents among school aged children. These statistics state that one in every 20 children will experience the loss of one or both parents by the age of 15. Another states that 1.5 million child are living in a single-parent household due to death of a parent. A child’s grief is not limited to death of family or friends, it also includes loss of a pet, parents separating, moving, etc. 7 in 10 teachers currently have at least one student grieving over the loss as a parent, guardian, sibling or close friend in the past year. As a teacher it is important to support grieving

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