
Kristofer Goldsmith Case Study

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For someone who has PTSD, it can be very devastating for their family members. The case of Kristofer Goldsmith is a unique one. A case that needs to continue to be looked at. “...Kristofer Goldsmith was discharged from the army at the height of the Iraq war… not on hospital after attempting suicide...” (Phillips 1). He was pulled from the army on a dishonorable charge because he was struggling to keep himself alive. He was in pain and low in his life for this to just make it worse. Kris was supposed to be on a plane on his second deployment to Baghdad and instead he was in the hospital. He was put in the hospital after attempting suicide. He was then taken out of the military for his failure to be on the plane. Goldsmith should have …show more content…

According to Joe Washam, he saw one man’s hands shake as he held the gun during a hunting trip with a few veterans (Hennessey 1). “Even when veterans seem fine, they cannot trust their own selves because they can have an internal trigger” (Hennessey 26). Veterans may seem like they can handle a gun in their hand but they cannot. When they feel the trigger against their finger they still hear that bomb that went off a few feet from them, or the sound of their own gun when they gunned down an attacker. It is a reaction thing, they may hear something a far and still feel that pressure of a gun go off inside their chest. Veterans have to face the fear of getting a flash back of traumatic incident at any time. One little thing can bring back tons of memories of their experiences at war. Like a firework on the Fourth of July, a symbolization of our independence. That one sound of a firework can bring back a flashback and make them think for even just a minute about Iraq or where ever they may have been deployed. A flashback where they have no idea where they are and no idea who they are by as they stand next to a friend who is may seem like an enemy in their eyes. This is all causes of suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or even depression. To help with PTSD “some veterans...said hunting and shooting ranges help them recover for it, but doctors are divided on the issue.” (Hennessy 7). …show more content…

Doctors are correlating it with the number of troops actually suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD and suicide in the military have become one of the biggest issues in the military in over the last decade. “New government research shows that female military veterans commit suicide at nearly six times the rate of other women, a startling finding that experts say poses disturbing question about the backgrounds and experiences of women who serve in the armed forces.” (Zarembo 1). This is surprising to researchers because the women’s numbers are starting to reach the men’s numbers which is surprising because men are generally far more likely than women are to commit suicide (Zarembo 2). This is because there are more men that serve in the military than there are women. It has always been like that because a long time ago women were not a loud to serve in the military. So of course the rate for men suicide in the military is going to be higher since it has only been recent that women are even a loud to be in the military and go to war and fight for what is also their country. The VA researchers found that 40% of female veterans who committed suicide use guns. This will make people ask if the help of gun control will lower the rate. Almost half of the women who commit suicide used the same weapon that brings them back to their old memories. Not only is the women’s rate rising but also the younger

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