
Kokoschka's Degenerate Art

Decent Essays

Degenerate art, at one point in history shocked and bewildered its viewers in Germany during the 1930’s. The Nazi’s claimed that these works of art were considered dangerous and therefore, sought to destroy the pieces of art. Nazi Germany, during the 1930’s and 1940’s was ruled by an iconic figure named Adolph Hitler. Hitler, referred to himself as Hitler the Furrier and promised to the people of Germany, that there would be a formulation and the rise of a master race in which degenerate beings would be rid of. Hitler believed that a master race was to be comprised of individuals of German decent, blonde haired, blue eyed and tall in height. Those who did not correlate with his belief, were considered degenerates.
Adolph Hitler, viewed artist of the time as degenerate human beings that needed to be eliminated. Hitler decided to display the works of art in an exhibition in Munich, Germany. …show more content…

Trench warfare had a psychological effect on these individuals. For instance, they witnessed the death of many soldiers, the accumulation of mass corpses and hysteria. According to the documentary, the war had a pronounced effect on Kokoschka. The war shattered his mind and spirit. As a result, Kokoschka painted a self-portrait in which he depicted himself receiving a body wound, one he latter indeed suffered.
I chose Kokoschka’s self-depiction titled “The Portrait of The Degenerate Artist.” Kokoschka’s, 110 by 85cm Oil based portrait, is regarded as his most important piece. For instance, Oskar Kokoschka was a passionate and prideful individual who expressed his emotions in his odd looking portrayals of the inner world and of human beings. However, as a result of Adolph Hitler seeking to destroy works of art that challenged the traditional art style, Kokoschka had to hide his pride and fled to Czechoslovakia, where he created the

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