
Know What Lurks In The Meat They Eat Essay

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Do Americans really know what lurks in the meat they consume? For many decades, corporations have turned raising animals for human consumption into a multi-billion dollar business. Big business has no concern for the animals or the humans they feed, their whole motive is to make the product cheaper and sell it at the highest price. It is a known fact that corporations feed antibiotics to animals that are not sick in order to help them grow faster. The result is an unsafe product that can lead to drug resistant bacteria which can be passed on to humans for consumption. How can Americans be so oblivious to know that the meat they eat can one day kill them? By looking at drug resistant superbugs, one can see the overuse of antibiotics in …show more content…

The food industry does not use the medications for sick animals, it is used “because producers believe that chickens, cows, and pigs-particularly those that are not healthy to begin with-gain weight faster when these drugs are added to their feed” (UCSUSA). Rather than healthier living conditions for animals to thrive, corporations use non-therapeutic use of antibiotics to expedite the growing process in over-crowded conditions. Within the U.S., $100 billion a year is spent on drugs, but “80% of all antibiotics sold in the United States are used for livestock and poultry, not humans” (NRDC). The issue of feeding animals that are not sick antibiotics has the possibility of creating antibiotic resistant bacteria due to overuse of unnecessary antibiotics. Due to overuse of antibiotics in animals and humans, “at least two million illnesses and 23,000 deaths are caused in the U.S. by drug-resistant bacteria, according to the CDC” (Tracy). Ultimately, overuse of antibiotics wipe out vulnerable bacteria and leave only the resistant strains, making the original antibiotic

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