
Knapp Model Research Paper

Decent Essays

My friend Aija and I have known each other for about two years and have gotten pretty close within the last year. Reading through all the stages of the Knapp model I would consider us to be at the intensifying stage. We took our friendship pretty slow, however I would say that we went through the intensifying stage rather quickly. It started by her inviting me to a art party she had in her home, then I started inviting her over to my house for girls night or to just chat for coffee. She then started staying at my house for a night or two while my husband was away for military reasons. At some points in time we see each other a lot and then other times we don’t see each other for weeks at a time due to being busy. We do favors for each other, we make each other feel appreciated. …show more content…

We always remember to check up or send a quick “I love you” text if we have not spoken to each other for a while. When she comes over to my house there is no knock on the door she just walks in, I have even thought about giving her a key. We have our relationship in pretty good flow. We know how each other works and are sure to be honest with each other. I am very satisfied with our level of communication; however, I do sometimes realize I do a lot of the talking about myself. Sometimes after we have a talk I am like dang I should have talked to her more about herself. She is just such a good listener I get so wrapped up in my own thoughts that are in need of venting. I am going to start working on being more focused on her talking to me and ask her more questions about what’s going on in her life. She agreed with me on the stage our relationship

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