Kitchen Remodel Risk Management Plan Maitai Gordwin North Central University Abstract Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements (Project Management Institute, 2008; Gordwin, 2012). When applying this knowledge effective management of appropriate processes is required. Risk Management is considered most critical and includes the processes of conducting risk management planning, identification, analysis, response planning, and monitoring and control on a project. The purpose of the risk management plan is to establish framework in which the project team will identify risks and develop mitigation strategies to avoid, eliminate or convert to …show more content…
RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS Planning risk management process is important to ensure that the degree type, and visibility of the risk management commensurate with both the risks and the importance of the project to the organization (Project Management Institute, 2008). Risk will be identified within the initiation phase of the project, to ensure the impact is minimal and ensure enough time to plan risk mitigation strategies. The project manager and project team are responsible for ensuring risk are actively identified, analyzed, and consistently managed throughout the life cycle of the project. The following processes outlined below will be implemented for this project: * Identify Risks * Assess Risk-Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis * Risk Mitigation * Monitor and Control * Risk Closure * Lessons Learned The risk management process is iterative; therefore processes are handled in sequence (Phillips, 20090. Initially, the first phase of the Risk Management process is risk assessment, including risk identification and risk analysis. The next phase is risk response which decides what should be done about assessed risk (Seyedhoseini, SM; Hate, MA, 2009). The diagram below in Figure 1, illustrates the project’s risk management processes and procedures for this project. Figure1. Risk Management Process Diagram.
Therefore, the risk process places a high emphasis on risk workshops, initial risks, and how risks are identified throughout the course of the project. The next two sections describe different methods of identifying risks.
When the manager of project carried out its work plan should take into consideration the possible risks that may occur within the project. The risk is the possibility that occurs a problem within a project and that may cause some change within the same (Heldman, 2011). It should be noted that not all risks are bad since they can be potential opportunities to make some changes that will improve the overall status of the project. In the same way a risk not taken into account in time can create one problem in the project and can completely change the final performance of the project. The project manager can take several elements to identify the risks. Some elements and documents that can be used to identify risks are: search internal risks of the project, such as resources
Working to understand the risks a project may endure along with the cost associated is critical in every project management plan. Understanding potential risks based on the project type, resources needed, timeline and budget still leaves gaps that creates uncertainty for actually predicating the outcome of the project. There is not a true way to predict when and where a project risk will occur but designing a plan to properly address and manage those risks will increase confidence while eliminating the element of surprise.
Risk or threat is common and found in various fields of daily life and business. This concept of risk is found in various stages of development and execution of a project. Risks in a project can mean there is a chance that the project will result in total failure, increase of project costs, and an extension in project duration which means a great deal of setbacks for the company. The process of risk management is composed of identifying, assessing, mitigating, and managing the risks of the project. It
Indeed, Project Risk Management includes the processes of conducting risk management planning, identification, analysis, response planning, and controlling risk on a project. (PMBOK Guide - Fifth Edition, 2013).
Risks management is an important step during the process of a project. Failing to manage a risk may result in unforeseen event happening and a project’s failure. For example, with limited budget, an unforeseen event or an accident occurs in the middle of a project and this matter has not been considered and needs a big sum of expense, then the project may be stopped because of this unexpected event. We should know it is necessary to understand how to identify risks and assumptions based on the information. After identifying risks, it is important for project managers to set contingency plans to prevent and deal with these risks when they occur. Of course, several problems may happen during considering
risks and determine the likelihood and consequence of that risk occurring during the project. The
In order to perform project risk management effectively, the organization or the department must know the meaning of the risk clearly. With regards to a project, the management must focus on the potential effects on the objectives of the project, for example, cost and time (Loosemore, Raftery and Reilly, 2006). Risk is a vulnerability that really matters; it can influence the objectives of the project
In order for a home building project to survive its purpose, risk analysis is essential so that occurrences that may affect the projects in the end can be identified, analyzed, assessed, managed and monitored. Because of the risky processes that are involved in the projects of home building construction, risk analysis and mitigation is the most useful tool in achieving good project and planning in home buildings as well as other constructions. If good risks management procedures are well conducted, the team’s level of confidence will be boosted, and this will enable or project to run and smoothly achieve its goals while facing and tackling each risk. Risk management will also come in handy as time will be saved as well as the
During an engineering project life cycle, the common risk management process (risk identification, risk impact assessment, risk prioritization analysis, risk tracking, and risk mitigation planning implementation) meet the required protocols for early and continuous risk identification. The first step, risk identification, brainstorms potential risks that may develop during the engineering system to include environmental or human hazards. The second step, risk impact assessment, clarifies and details the damage of the risk. The third step, risk prioritization analysis, creates a hierarchy of the risks and determines which risk needs to be addressed first then so on. The follow-on steps have two different paths, one path is risk tracking and the other is risk mitigation
Risk management framework is decided based on the organization rules and requirements and also the project. Risk management is primary requirement to fulfill the needs of the project and reduce the vulnerabilities in various aspects
This assignment is included in the 2014 session of the Risk Management module of the MSc in Project Management course at University of Aberdeen. The main purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate my understanding of the issues involved in Risk Management and how they are applied in my current Project environment. The assignment is split in to two questions as detailed below.
Advancing from level 2 to level 3 requires using a risk register. 'The Risk Register is a tool to assist Project Managers in identifying likely sources of risk and the impact they may have on achieving objective. ' (Government office from the North West,2008). The first step is a brainstorm session to identify risk that may affect the project. It is important that the risks are clearly defined so that the risk is understood clearly and can be tackled. Secondly, consequence and probability of risks need to be rated (e.g. 1-5) and define each rating by their impact or likelihood. Finally, multiply the ratings of consequence and impact, rank the risks from highest severity to lowest severity. (Government office from the North West,2008). Every risks should be assigned to a risk owner which is responsible for managing the risk, a risk response to minimise both the likelihood and impact of the risk and a target completion date for the mitigation. Regular risk reviews need to be done because risks might emerge or become no longer relevant constantly. However, the impact
The project manager working with the project team and project client will ensure risks are actively identified, analyzed and managed throughout the life of the project. Risks will be identified as early as possible to minimize their impact. This can be done using several ways like
Project Risk Management – identifies potential risks (good and bad) that can affect the objectives of the project.