
King White Church

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Throughout the Civil Rights movements during the 1950s and 1960s, Martin Luther King and his followers were surrounded by hate. However, several different groups and organizations made an attempt to reach out to their cause in an attempt to fight for that which was morally correct. Despite all of the organizations that proclaimed King’s teachings, there was one organization that surprised King by their lack of support. This was the White Church. In King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” King is very disappointed in the white church because they want the black population to wait so justice can sort itself out, they believe order is more important than justice, and they have no leadership to promote that which is right to do. First, King feels …show more content…

King states that the White Church is part of the movement that is, “ more devoted to order rather than justice” (358). What King means by this, is that the White Church would rather see the country be morally incorrect and have a system of operations that infringed on a specific group of peoples’ rights just for the sake of having order. King later stated, “Law and order exist to establish justice and when they fail they become dangerously structured dams blocking the flow of social progress” (358). The point that King was trying to get across in this statement is that there are laws and certain expectations put on people for the sole purpose of having justice and peace in the country. And for the laws that are enacted to be completely against justice is just plain absurdity that will block the progress of the country until the problem is fixed. King makes another valid point concerning the White Church whenever he states, “I have watched white churches stand on the sideline and merely mouth pious irrelevancies and sanctimonious trivialities” (362). In his statement, King is directly criticizing the actions of the White Church. He is calling the White Church out and saying that they can talk all they want like they have been doing for centuries, but now it is time for

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