
King Henry Viii Of England

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Henry VIII of England[1509-1547] By Kent McMahon King Henry VIII of England is the most infamous and notorious of all the Monarchs of England. He was a vile and heartless man who beheaded over 72,000 people in his 38 year reign and called for public celebration when his first wife, Catherine of Aragorn died on the 7th of January,1536. King Henry VIII was born on the 28th of June,1491 in Greenwich Palace. He was the 3rd of seven children of King Henry VII, the first Tudor king, and Elizabeth of York. Out of the seven children, only 4 survived infancy - Prince Arthur, Princess Margaret, Prince Henry and Princess Mary. Henry 's father, King Henry VII, unified the divided country when he killed the last Plantagenet King, Richard III. The country had been divided in a civil war known as 'The War of the Roses ' with two sides of the Plantagenet dynasty, the House of Lancaster and the House of York, fighting over the throne. Both houses were descendants of two of the sons of Edward III. The House of Lancaster,descended from John of Gaunt, was represented by a Red Rose. The House of York, descended from Edmund of Langley, was represented by the white rose. By 1461, the Yorkists had succeeded in becoming the royal house in England. With the Yorkist King Richard III becoming increasingly unpopular, Henry Tudor ,a descendant of John of Gaunt, gained the support of the country and decided to put Richard

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