
King Charles I

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Everyday, there are thousands of protests around the world, but only a select few of these protests turn into full blow rebellions and even fewer result in a world changing revolution. The cause for these is revolutions is always due to an unfair and unjust leader who abuses their power for selfish gains, or they are bigots who use their power to discriminate against others. Because to them, the stature of a leader bestows upon them the power to play god, and decide the common people’s fate. These leaders and monarchs are disobeyed and rebelled against because of the fact that their governance and rule lacks the legitimacy. Charles the first succeeded the english, irish and scottish thrones in 1612, from his brother henry frederick. He often …show more content…

Because Charles the first had dissolved parliament multiple times over the course of 4 years and decided to rule alone, He had to raise taxes in order to obtain necessary funding. This fact caused him to be incredibly disliked amongst his subjects. (BBC - History - King Charles I) Because Charles the first did not consider the legitimacy of his rule, and based all of his decisions on his delusions of his divine right of kings. WIth this in mind, he returned many nearly long forgotten laws into being, some of the more impactful ones being the “destraint of knighthood” and “ship money”. The destraint of knighthood stating that “ any man who earned £40 or more from land each year to present himself at the king's coronation to be knighted. Relying on this old statute, Charles fined individuals who had failed to attend his coronation in 1626” (Charles). Ship money was the more lucrative money collecting scheme of the two, collecting nearly 200 thousand pounds in four years. However, “Previously, collection of ship money had been authorised only during wars, and only on coastal regions. Charles, however, argued that there was no legal bar to collecting the tax for defence during peacetime and throughout the whole of the kingdom.” (Charles). There was more …show more content…

(Rodney King) Although Rodney King later admitted to attempting to outrun the police flagging him down, blame cannot be laid on him for this because of the lack of trust already in place from the systematic abuse of the african american population, especially in the los angeles area. “After four days of grand jury testimony, the Los Angeles district attorney charged officers Koon, Powell, Briseno and Wind with use of excessive force on March 14, 1991” (Rodney King). However, in a blatant show of discrimination and favoritism, all four officers charged with excessive force were acquitted of all charges at a state level. It was this event, where even the jury was excessively biased towards the Obviously guilty LAPD officers since there was video evidence, which spiked the 1992 los angeles riots. (1992 Los Angeles) These riots where the minority peoples who could relate to the discrimination and illegitimacy of the ruling against the LAPD officers and the excessively brutal treatment of rodney king, as they are exposed to these daily. These riots united the minority against the majority, uniting and rising up against the greater evil, surpassing all petty grudges they may or may not have held against each other. This is why people disobey authority. Authority is only ever disobeyed, when the people the authority HAVE

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