
King Arthur Research Paper

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The Myth Of King Arthur The novel King Arthur and His knights at the Round Table, by Roger Lancelyn Green and introduced by David Almond, explores the tales of the great King Arthur. For centuries people have debated on whether Arthur is real or not. King Arthur is not real because of the use of magic in the book, the inconsistency of the name Arthur, and the unpredictable dates and events that don’t stay the same.
King Arthur could not possibly be a real person because of the use of magic in the book. After Arthur has pledged himself to God, the narrator explains that an enchantment is placed on Arthur. “...Fairies and Elves - cast a pure and great enchantment upon the child, a magic most strong.” (12) This quote proves that King Arthur and His Knights at the Round Table is a myth …show more content…

The Christians wanted to attract more followers and make their religion stronger; they needed something or someone to glorify Christianity, and Arthur was a great way to do that. So why not make a cultural icon by taking some pieces of truth and then spinning it into an amazing story. Geoffrey of Monmouth a monk may have been the creator of Arthur. According to the documentary "Quest for King Arthur" by The History Channel, he “took a little fact and then made a good story.” Many people claim that Arthur is based off a man named “Lucius Artorius Castus.” Artorius was an extraordinary Roman general. If Arthur is Arturius, then he would have had to live for over one hundred years, which would have been impossible in that time. The farther back historians go the less frequently the name Arthur is mentioned, and the earliest records show no mention of the name Arthur at all. If Arthur is not real, then what about the events surrounding him, such as the round table? Are these events real or just made up along with

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