
King Arthur Loyalty

Decent Essays

Several key characteristics of knights outlined in the lessons so far in the unit I decided on are; courtesy, chivalry, piety and generous. They relate on how I see knights were for I have always seen a knight being generous and courteous. Where the saying “knight and shining armor” is also how I vision a knight where he serves for others and is selfless. I chose chivalry because as a code of conduct of knights I also see them in that way of light. Having piety for I see a knight with armor but also a cross and being very religious. Upon doing various things calling upon a higher power for assistance before going to battle. King Arthur measure up to all these ideas about how I view knights. King Arthur displays courtesy in page five; paragraph four through five. Arthur answered “Sir, when I came home for my brother’s sword. I found no one there to give it to me. I did not want my brother Sir Kay to be without a sword. So I came here quickly and pulled this one out of the stone with no trouble.” This displays how king Arthur measure up to being courteous where he thought of his brother and not of himself. Had so much respect for his brother he couldn’t return without a sword. …show more content…

Arthur states “I would be ungrateful otherwise.” Said Arthur, “For I owe no man in all the world as much as I owe you and your lady wife, who has cared for me as for her own. If ever I am king as you say. I shall grant whatever you may ask. God forbid that I should fail you.” You see act of generosity when even though getting bestow this new status of social status of being a king he hasn’t forgotten the love of his guardians that raise him. That no amount of money or power can ever change that. This aligns in how I see knights and how Arthur

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