
Kincaid's Interview With My Father

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The interview with my mother about the 1960’s I chose because she worked and remembered the 1960’s and would occasionally talk about that time. This conference took place at home with my mother Dr. Mary T. Kincaid who is 72 plus years old. My mother operated in the accounting department at that time, and approximately in 1968 received a promotion to the position of controller. She also taught part time at a college in Chicago starting in the 1970’s. Before the interview commenced, my mother was kind of nervous. But soon relaxed when I explain it would not keep her too long.
The 1960’s were a decade of cultural changes in America. During this time we got our youngest President John F Kennedy. He stood as a hero to many people. That revitalized …show more content…

People were marching "to get the notice of the news media" about conditions that were occurring in different parts of the country. One outspoken leader of the civil rights that Martin Luther King impressed Mary T. Kincaid. One of the principals she mentions that was emphatic about that time was “non-violent protest that made the world aware of the condition that faced the Minorities.” Before people were not as conscious of the kind of suffering that occurred in different parts of the country. Thus, changes took place where minorities could now attend different schools and University. That at one-time minority were not allowed to participate because of segregation laws.
Likewise, the hippy’s movement started, some were from wealthy homes that in protest to the social standards of dress decide to wear ragged clothes. My Mom felt the “hippies were nuts” mainly because she did not understand why they wore scruffy looking outfits in public as a way of protesting society dress code. Per my mom “before the hippie’s people would dress up.” However, after the fashion statement made by the hippy’s people dressed more casually.
Per Dr. Mary T Kincaid, our troops did not need to go to South Vietnam. “If we wanted to help South Vietnam we could have just armed South Vietnam and then let them fight their conflict.” From her assessment not sending troops into this dispute would have saved numerous of American lives.

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