Successful CC =1 CM spoke to Kim Shipmon (DCPP) via email in regards to a follow-up on mentor services for Joseph (youth). CM is aware that youth is currently on DCPP waiting list for mentor services; CM provided DCPP with a link to the Big Brothers Big Sisters application. DCPP will complete application for a mentor.
CM spoke to Kiara Gelin (youth) regarding a follow-up on services. Youth reported she continues to attend the Partial Hospitalization program at the Jersey City Medical Center. CM was informed that youth stopped attending the TASC program due to time conflict and youth will resume the program in September. CM and youth disused employment; youth had a job interview at Wendy’s, Fast food restaurant. CM encouraged youth to apply at local jobs in the mall, CM verbally provided youth with a list of jobs that are hiring in the community. CM inquired about the Cook, Eat and Talk program. Youth reported the family will follow-up with the program once the family phone is working. CM agreed. CM and youth discussed mentor
Jaylen is an 6-year-old black male. He appears to be healthy for his age, normal height and weight, no marks or bruises were visible. He does not take medications, has no medical condition, and was not able to indicate what drugs/alcohol are. He is seen at Dr. Vivien D. Pham, MD Pediatrics.
CM spoke to Indhira Reyes (DCP&P) in regards to services for Destiny (youth). CM and Ms. Reyes discussed Destiny’s upcoming intake appointment with Project Safe. Ms. Reyes inquired about the Big Brother and Big Sister intake appointment, CM explained to Ms. Reyes that Destiny has to wait 3 months for a Big Sister. CM informed Ms. Reyes that the next CFT/ final transition meeting for Destiny is on 12/8/16 at 4:00pm. Ms. Reyes reported that she is not sure if she would be present due to the case transferring to a new DCP&P worker. Ms. Reyes has to check with new worker regarding this matter.
Interpersonal skills are what we use every day to communicate and interact with people. Those who have strong interpersonal skills are usually the ones who are the more successful in their professional life and also their social life as they will be easy to understand and will draw people to them through their body language or by their way of speech. Employers look for people with good interpersonal skills because it will mean they will be able to work with others and be able to communicate with customers or clients.
Anthony is a 21 year old male who resides with his family in Westfield, MA. Anthony has a primary diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome with secondary diagnosis of ADHD and anxiety. Anthony is attending Holyoke Community College, where he is pursuing a degree in Computers Science. He has been working with his MRC counselor to identify appropriate supports that could be implemented to help him be successful with his vocational goals. For this reason, an assistive technology evaluation was requested to determine if any, technologies could assist him with the successful completion of this goal.
She confirms the SC that the client had referenced but informed the CCS should be the best point of contact. However, she offers to reach out to the SC to gain more information on the documents.
CM received a call from Myra Sanchez (mentor) in regards to a follow-up on mentor session from Saturday, 3/11/17. Mentor reported that youth became verbally aggressive during session and wanted mentor to leave the home. CM and mentor discussed youth’s background; mentor stated youth requested a male mentor due to her past experiences with females and believes a male would be beneficial to her needs. Mentor explained she tried to challenge youth in regards to her behaviors towards her father; youth then became really upset and started to tear apart old pictures of the family. Mentor noted she stayed at the home for approximately five hours conversing with caregiver regarding youth’s current situation. Mentor will not return
QP provided William with a CBT activity geared towards improving communication with parents. QP explained to William that the activity will teach skills on how to improve communication and have more effective dialog with parents, peers and authority figures. QP asked William to list some ways he communicate with his parents. QP asked William to explain how he communicate with his parents when he angry, depress or frustrated. QP discussed with William, how he can improve his communication with his parents. QP asked will to list some communicate that will not help with getting him what he want. QP asked William, what are some things he would like to talk to his parents about but feel he can't, Why do he think he can or cannot talk to them about
In Maria del Carmen Triana, Bradley L. Kirkman, and Maria Fernanda Wagstaff Does the Order of Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Communication Matter in Divers Project Teams? An investigation of Communication Order Effects on Minority Inclusion and Participation, considers that there can be effects on team project performances when meeting face-to-face before or after meeting over the computer based communications. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether computer-mediated communication (CMC) versus face-to-face (FTF) communication influences female’s inclusion in male project teams. The sample that was used for this study was based on juniors and seniors in a south-western university. There were 200 individuals in 50 teams in which teams were split into half. Therefore, there were 25 teams in one condition and 25 teams
My research on Social Media and the effect it has on interpersonal or impersonal communication goes from 2002 when personal communication started becoming popular, to 2015 with an article by Emily Drago, Strategic Communications Elon University (The Effect of Technology on Face-to-Face Communication).
The internet has become one of the main sources for people to make romantic connections with others within their own society and all over the world. There are so many social media platforms available to society, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the countless dating websites, from, Tinder, and even websites created specifically for certain groups of people, like religious groups or people of a certain race. Why does our society have so many online dating resources? Do people feel more confident online? If so, do they have successful relationships with those that they interact with online based on that higher level of confidence? The purpose of this paper is to understand why people who participate in computer-mediated communication
Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D., is a master storyteller and a great observer of life; Remen said, “The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention.... A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.” Communication, gender and culture influence one another in many ways (Wood, 2008). People communicate either verbally, or non-verbally. Verbal and non-verbal communication occurs simultaneously and work together, complementing or contradicting each other (Harris & Sherblom 2008). This paper will focus on how people communicate, both verbal and non-verbal
The purpose of this communication handbook is to describe the basics of communication in the higher education environment. Included within is an explanation of effective communication, barriers to effective
Long range informal communication locales will keep on emerging as massive instruments for a social event of news. These mediums give beneficial chances to individuals entrusted with announcing the news to accumulate data and for
The term ‘communication’ originates from the Latin word communicare, which means to share or impart. Communication is a crucial part of everyone’s daily routine. Communication is a process that engages at least two peoples: sender and receiver and continuously takes places in every field including education field, medical field, tourism field, business field and so forth. Communication plays an important role in establishing ideas, needs and concerns later to start a common understanding among sender and receiver. Few studies are done on the topic of communication and prove that almost 70 to 80% of every individual’s time is spent on communication. According to MTD Training (2010), communication is defined as an “art and process of creating and sharing ideas” (p. 9). There are four stages to ensure communication process flows effectively: sender expresses the message, message transmits through the medium, the recipient interprets the message and recipient returns feedback to the sender (Finkelstein, 2002) (see Figure 1 in Appendix).