
Kim Jong-Un In North Korea

Decent Essays

Over the past couple of years, North Korea's government has been recognized to make very irrational decisions at times. North Korea has recently launched missiles near countries, have been caught hacking technology of other countries, and even found killing their own government and military officials. All of these events were fueled by the dictator of the country Kim-jong UN. Kim comes from a long dynasty of dictators of North Korea who has been shown to be very hostile to other countries and even their own to get there way. Currently, many people think of North Korea’s government as a ticking time bomb just seconds away from exploding over any situations. The most frightening possibility is that North Korea could release weapons of mass destruction …show more content…

This is due to the ultimate control of the dictator, Kim Jong-Un has the utmost power in North Korea and does not allow anyone's opinions to sway his views on laws or orders on the land. Also if anyone goes against his ruling or doesn’t agree with his decisions he most likely has them executed, this means that his rules and regulations are based on emotion and his needs more than for the country. With Kim Jong-Un only considering himself rather than others then, this spells bad news for everyone. With no one able to reason with Kim Jong-Un this leaves room for more irrational decision making that can harm us all. As everyone is on edge over the matters in North Korea, it is safe to say that Kim Jong-Un and the country has gained some extra pair of eyes over the military troops and …show more content…

Kim Jong-Il was also known to make weirdly or unusual laws such as the “Three Generation” law which forces a whole family to be sent to prison for one relatives crime. Also, the economy level was extremely shocked and did not allow any well-paying jobs in the country. People were stuck with farmer jobs to trade at markets or to supply for their family, an article from stated “ North Korea's economy is one of the world's "most centrally directed and least open" and faces "chronic economic problems”. other rules were formed to stop other influences into North Korea. The government believes in this rule so much that they only allow three television channels on tv, and limit what comes thru their country as

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