
Killing Kennedy Book Review

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Prompt 1: In the book Killing Kennedy O’Reilly and Dugard’s writing style did not lead to glossing over complex details. The whole presidency of John F. Kennedy’s time in office was complex, as well as interesting, and the writers included what they included what they deemed the most important events of his career as President of the United States. To many readers, everything in the book, complex or simple, was interesting from the first story when JFK saved his crew from the PT-109 (O’Reilly & Dugard 31) to the infamous and low-key assassination attempt on General Walker’s life by Lee Harvey Oswald (O’Reilly & Dugard 159). The two authors did a very good job explaining the high points and low points of JFK’s presidency with their style. For example, the two authors explained JFK’s issue with an apparent addiction to sex and constant expression of polygamy, yet never caused the reader to think …show more content…

Another issue between Bobby Kennedy and J. Edgar Hoover concerned organized crime. It is a well-known fact that Bobby Kennedy was an avid organized crime hunter and what created conflict was the fact that Hoover publically denied the existence of organized crime because he knew the mob had worked its way into the federal system and was too powerful to be taken down (Corn). The two head of departments had two different top priorities when it came to crime hunting and focal points of progression. At any time the main goal is confused between two department heads, not much is accomplished. J. Edgar Hoover, The Director of the FBI, was primarily targeting possible communists spies in the U.S. and Bobby Kennedy, The Attorney General, was focused organized crime and progressing the civil rights movement, which Hoover had miniscule interest

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