
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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In Harper Lee’s famous novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” she uses many elements of fiction to provide a clearer description for the readers to understand the themes better. The main theme of the novel is the distinction of good and evil in the morals of human nature. Lee uses the elements of setting, point of view, symbolism, and conflict to help her develop the storyline of the novel. The story is in the point of view of the main character, Scout Finch. The basic summary of the story is that Scout and her brother Jem spend much of their time in their town of Maycomb, Alabama with their friend, Dill. The three children spend their time spying on the town recluse, Boo Radley. Their widowed father, Atticus Finch, is the town’s most respected defense lawyer. During the novel’s climax Atticus takes on the case of a black man, Tom Robinson, who is innocent but accused with alleged rape against Mayella Ewell. The trial and the events that follow expose the children to the corrupted views of racism and stereotypes by the townspeople of Maycomb, Alabama. In order for readers to understand the novel better they have to understand the author and her literary habits and preferences. According to an article by Jay Mill, Harper Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama on April 28, 1926. She entered into the University of Alabama, and spent a year in England as an exchange student at Oxford University. Lee moved to New York City, not completing her law degree, to become an airline clerk. She

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